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Last chapter for today.

Also, today on January 7th it's Marco's birthday.


I think George and I were both kinda shocked that we actually kissed. We both acted like nothing had happened when we were finally let out and then I went to go and find either Marco or Cedric to see if they knew anything about the badges that were being made and worn.

When I got to the castle, it was like the universe were going against me in some kind of way. Right away, Cameron found me and started following me, trying to get me to talk to him.

Why now, right after I kissed George?

I don't know if I should feel guilty that I kissed someone shortly after breaking up with Cameron.


I shouldn't feel guilty. Cameron treated me like shit. He hit me and he would probably have raped me if he got the chance. He doesn't deserve my guilt.

"I just want to apologise, Allie." He called after me, speeding up until he was walking by my side. "Please hear me out."

"Apologising seem to be your favourite thing." I said, rolling my eyes. I stopped by the door that led inside to the entrance hall, and turned to Cameron with a bored look. "I'm really tired of you. Can you just leave me alone, yeah? And stop harassing George. He's a much better guy than you ever will be and he does not deserve to have you staring at him like you want to kill him every second."

Cameron pressed his hand to the door to push it open as he followed me instead, then chased after me as I entered the grand staircase.

"Why can't you just admit it?" He asked. "It's not that fucking hard."

"Admit what?"

"That you've fucked him."

I stopped in my tracks. I had only reached up the first set of stairs but I stopped and turned around towards him.

"It always comes back to that, doesn't it?" I asked. "Thinking I've slept with someone just because I don't want you. Have you maybe ever stopped to think that you could be the problem? That you repel me so much and that that's why I don't want you?"

Cameron took a threatening step towards me, his angry eyes staring down at mine.

"Do I need to remind you that I went down on you, fingered you, let you suck me off, cuddled you even though it is disgusting with that body of yours. No one wants girls with fat on their body. You were lucky I even stayed with you."

His words didn't affect me at all. I was so used to it but I didn't believe it. Sometimes I did get a little insecure about my stomach because it isn't completely flat and I've got some fat on my hips, because that's where I gain, but I still knew my body was good enough and that there was someone out there who wouldn't care what my body looked like.

"Do you realise how dumb you sound right now?" I asked. "Humans can't survive without fat on their bodies. And this—"

I grabbed onto the extra fat on my hip.

"... does not make me worth less than someone with less." I said. "You on the other hand is worth nothing. You wanna know why? Because it is obvious to me what kind of person you'll become. I truly feel sorry for whomever ends up with you because the truth is that you're the split image of a wife beater, a domestic abuser. You're lucky I got there at the right time when William was beating you up. You're lucky I stopped him because he could've went on about it until you were unconscious in that chair. Then again, I'm starting to regret that I didn't let him continue. You deserved—"

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