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Ollie just can't stop messing with my heart.


Dear father,

I knew you were a homophobic piece of shit, but this? This is low, even for you.

William is your son. Your only son and your oldest son. But being his father does not give you the right to tell him what to be or who to he. It definitely does not give you the right to tell him to hide who he is as a person.

William is gay and you need to get that through your thick skull and accept him. Support him. He needs your support. He needs to feel some love from his own father.

Being gay isn't shameful. I don't know why the world thinks that. Why does it have to be wrong to be two of the same gender in a relationship? It needs to be normalised like a relationship between a male and a female.

You are a part of the problem, dad. Why is it that your pride is more important than the happiness of your son?

I hope William decides to cut you out of his life, because you don't deserve to have an amazing person like him in your life.

Now that we're on the topic of things you've ruined... fuck you for cheating on mum. Yeah, I know about it. Pansy Parkinson told me about it. Congratulations on choosing the Parkinson's over your over family. You disgust me.

Rot in hell.
- Allie

I re-read my letter to my dad, over and over again while I sat on the floor of the owlery.

Boy he was going to be pissed at me for this, but I didn't really care — not when he's constantly hurting my brother.

I folded the letter and put it into the envelope. I pulled out my wand, flicking it at it to seal it up so I didn't have to spend time doing it by hand.

My owl's nest was at the top of the owlery tower. Her name is Nikita, a regular barn owl. My siblings and I each have our own. Williams is Kiki, Eleanors is Silver and Charlottes is Amory.

Once I sent my letter, I made my way back to the stairs but stopped when I saw the familiar face on the ground floor of the tower.

He looked up at me, his head tilted back and his hands pushed into the pockets of his coat.

"Charlotte said she saw you make your way down here." He said. "She told me you looked upset, so I wanted to make sure you were alright."

I forced a small smile as I made my way down the stairs. When I got to the end, I simply looked at him for a moment before I wrapped my arms around his back and hugged him with my head resting against his chest.

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