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Will's fingers were continuously brushing through my dark brown hair, his other hand resting against my chest as I laid between his legs.

We didn't have to say a word. Every time we cuddled, it was in private. He's not big on PDA but he can be very affectionate when we're alone.

He's not very vocal either. That's why we always cuddle without saying anything. I know he's deep in thoughts and I don't want to interrupt it because it seems to piss him off.

Other times I do interrupt to piss him off on purpose, but he's a big guy, so he can take it.

Plus, he could never be mad at me for too long at a time. He loves our sex too much.

I love it too.

Being fucked in the ass by my six foot seven tall boyfriend. He's a bloody giant with a huge ass dick.

"Did you know I once saw a star pattern that looked like a cock?" I asked out of the blue. I felt William shift so he could look down at me. "And it wasn't a small one either. It was fucking giant. Almost as big as yours."

William didn't respond. He simply hummed and I tilted my head back against him to look up at his face.

"You okay, baby boo?" I asked, watching as he scrunched up his nose.

He hates when I call him that but that's why I do it.

I let out a sigh and sat up, turning to face him on the bed.

I can be serious if I want to.

"Talk to me, big guy." I said, placing my hands on his thighs. "You know you can trust me with anything."


"No." I cut him off. "Please don't do that. You always do that."

"Do what?"

"You push me away when I show that I care." I said. "Don't go calling me Marcus now. Tell me what's bothering you or I'll punch you in the balls."

"You won't punch me in the—"

He was cut off when I did in fact punch him in the balls, causing him to cry out in pain, cupping his crotch while gathering his legs.

"I will fucking kill you, Partridge." He roared. My eyes widened when he reached for my shirt and I jumped off the bed, running to the corner of the room for some reason.

I stared into the corner, confused as to what my strategy was. When I turned around, William was walking towards me, cupping his crotch with one hand with a pained expression on his face.

"Nothing is wrong, Marco." He told me and stopped in front of me. "I'm just worried."

I grabbed onto his chest and tugged him close so harshly that he automatically held out a hand to press against the wall. I pressed a kiss to his lips before I ran my fingers through the back of his hair.



"You're worried about Allie?" I asked. "Will, you don't have to worry about Allie. She's good. She's doing good and she's a fucking badass. She can handle anything."

William didn't respond but instead looked away. He didn't look at me again before I pulled his hair. He whimpered, though looked at me again.

"Why are you worried about Allie?"

He shrugged and pushed himself away from me, running a hand through his hair as he walked back to sit on my bed.

"She's been through so much this school year with Ironwood being abusive and—"

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