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Pansy had arrived.

Pansy fucking Parkinson.

Luckily she had gotten one of the bedrooms on the lower ground floor, across Eleanor's room and down the hallway from where my parents slept in the same bed for years. Not they're divorced and Rose is taking my mum's place.

It was currently night time. We had been here for a few days. William started work today and he seemed happy about it. He and Marco still haven't had a conversation about their breakup.

Currently, I was sat in the pool, next to George with Marco and Lee sitting on one side and Fred on the other.

Marco and Lee were bickering again. This time about which guy at school has the best ass.


How odd. We're starting our seventh and final year after the summer and then we move on to live our lives. Our real lives.

George had promised to play and sing for me tonight when we got the chance to be alone. I had never heard him sing before. In our seven months of dating — though I understand why.

He gets insecure and I could hear on him that he doesn't think he's good, but both Fred and Lee says he's great so of course he is.

I can't wait to hear my angel boyfriend sing with his angelic voice. Talking, he sounds like a fucking angel so I just know his singing will make me melt.

"I'm proud of you." George whispered in my ear as I was leaning against him, his arm wrapped around my stomach.

"Why is that?"

"Because I know how much you struggle with your body image sometimes." He said. "But you went outside of your comfort zone today and wore a bikini."

A smile formed on my face as I tilted my head back against his neck to look up at his face.

I'm gonna marry this man someday.

"I love you." I whispered before he leaned down and pressed a kiss to my lips.

"I love you." He responded, but just as he said it and kissed me back, water was splashed on it, making both of us defend our faces while I shrieked.

"Fred." George sighed, splashing back. He untangled his arm around me and got up while Fred did the same.

A second later, they were fighting in the pool, pushing each other under water while Lee cheered on and Marco moved over to sit next to me.

"I'm gonna sneak into Will's room again tonight." He told me. "We need to talk things through. He seems like he wants to get back together. He lets me sleep in his bed and I think it's kinda comforting for him, you know?"

I hummed.

"I mean, it's comforting for me too." He said. "With what happened—"

He sighed.

"Marco." I breathed. "I know we don't usually talk about our feelings and shit. I mean, you're my best friend and I know I'm yours and we should be able to talk but we just... don't."


"But I hope you know that you can talk to me."
I said. "It's completely fine that you want to stay with William because I know you love him but if you ever want to talk to anyone else, I'll always drop everything for you and listen. His passing hit the both of us hard."

Marco smiled weakly at me before he wrapped an arm around me, hugging me.

"The same goes for you, babe." He told me and kissed my temple like the affectionate friend that he is. We then both looked towards the boys who were still fighting and Lee who was watching and cheering on. "I'm happy you found someone like George. You know how to treat each other and I believe your relationship will gain the both of you in the long run."

Us ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now