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Monday came around and I had not had an opportunity to talk to Cameron. He kept avoiding me. Mostly he hung around his many Slytherin friends. It's not often that the Slytherins hang around anyone other than their own housemates but both of Cameron's parents were in Slytherin. His entire family were in Slytherin, which is why his parents have been pretty tough in him since he got into Ravenclaw.

He had a few friends in Ravenclaw. Or, they thought they were friends with him but Cameron hates basically everyone that isn't a Slytherin. He just made friends in Ravenclaw to be accepted. Being accepted had always been something he craved.

Seeing as he's always surrounded by his friends and running away when I come near him, I haven't been able to talk to him about leaving George alone.

George is way too nice to have to handle someone sending him death stares all the time. He doesn't deserve that. Doesn't deserve to be harassed by my ex-boyfriend.

"Allie!" A familiar voice called, causing me to frown as I turned around and saw Ron come walking towards me with fast and steady steps.

"Ron?" I question. "What are you— uh— hi?"

He reached me and nervously tipped back and forth on his toes while looking around nervously.

"Don't let anyone know that I told you this, okay?" He asked and I nodded slowly, not really understanding why he was talking to me. Not that I had anything against it because I like talking to new people. It's just that he's never talked to me before. Only when I stayed with their family for the night after the attack. "Harry and I aren't exactly on speaking terms but I guess he's still my friend."

"You're not on speaking terms?" I questioned. "Why not?"

Ron shrugged. He didn't seem too keen on telling me so he simply continued with his point.

"Have you seen the badges that's been made?" He asked. "Almost every Hogwarts student is wearing them and even though I hate Harry right now, I still don't think it's fair."

What badges?

"I ripped this off Goyle's robes." He told me and handed me a badge. I looked at it with a slight frown.

- The real

"Why is this unfair?" I asked. "I mean, it's just people supporting Ced."

"Try and press on it."

I glanced at Ron but then did what he said and the badge changed to a different text.


"Oh." I muttered. "Who made these?"

"My guess would be Cedric, or perhaps your friend Partridge." He said with a shrug. "Can you just please tell them to cut it out? It's not fair to treat Harry like this. He's already gotten enough shit from people through the years and even though he did put his name in the Goblet while only being fourteen, I still don't like to see him treated like that."

I frowned and looked back down at the badge, pressing on it again to turn it back to Cedric's face.

"You think Potter cheated?" I asked. "Because I don't."

"Then how would his name get into the Goblet?"

I shrugged. I honestly didn't know but I didn't believe that that fourteen-year-old boy put his name in the Goblet.

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