One-hundred and thirty-eight

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I've got some good news.

I just got back from the meeting. They showed me the apartment — well, it's more of a town house with one main room, an entrance kitchen, bathroom and a backyard, but I got it!

I might be able to move in within the next couple of weeks so I am absolutely thrilled.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter!


"And this is the kitchen." Mum said after finishing showing us all around the house she had just bought. "My favourite part."

I walked over to the kitchen island, running my hand over the surface while looking around.

"So... what do you think?" Mum asked while William wrapped his arms around Marco from behind, the two both studying the kitchen.

"I like it a lot, mum." Charlotte said. "Are we gonna be living with you?"

"Well, I certainly hope so." Mum smiled, kissing Charlotte on the head. "Maybe we'll do a week with each... or a holiday with each. You do live permanently at Hogwarts."

"What about Samson?" Charlotte asked. "I'm going to miss him."


"Why did you and dad even get divorced?" she raised her voice. "Now he's marrying that stupid woman and Pansy is our stepsister and you're gonna live here without Samson! William has moved out, so has Allie and Allie and George aren't together anymore and I was just starting to like him!"


"You all ruin everything!" She yelled before marching out of the kitchen.

At the mention of George, I looked down at the surface of the counter, while I heard mum sigh.

"Well that was dramatic." Eleanor said and I looked at her to see her roll her eyes. "Though it does suck."

"I know it does baby." Mum nodded, playing with the neckless she was wearing. "Listen, at the Christmas ball your father is hosting this year... I want you all to be there. I'll be there myself. We'll all have some fun and maybe we can talk to your father about an arrangement that fits everybody."

I drew circles on the counter with my finger before I pushed myself away from it and walked out of the kitchen without saying anything.

"Charlotte?!" I called out, waiting for a moment for any kind of response and when I didn't get any, I decided to walk to the part of the house that she mentioned was her favourite, right before we saw the kitchen.

I ended up finding her in the room that was gonna be hers. It was a two-floor room with a spiral staircase connecting them.

Perks of being the youngest.

"Hey." I said with a smile as I sat down next to her on the stairs. "You okay?"

"Why did you and George break up?" She asked right away, ignoring my own question.

I looked at her, but I didn't know what to say, so instead I looked down at my hands.

"It's complicated Ce—"

"Why does everyone keep saying that?!" She yelled. "I'm not a baby! I can handle the truth!"

"Okay." I nodded, holding up my hands in surrender. "Fair enough."

I put my hands back down, resting them in my lap.

"You know how he was suddenly with Carrington?" I asked, and Charlotte nodded in response, keeping her eyes on me. "Well... it turned out that she was using one of the unforgivable curses to control him. That's why Carrington is now locked up in Azkaban, but George doesn't want to see me so... I don't know. Maybe Carrington really managed to ruin it all like she wanted to."

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