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Hi! I just wanted to address something that honestly pisses me off.

It's not been months since I started the story and this is me writing while I'm writing the sequel.

Anyway, a lot of people tend to call Allie stupid for the things she say regarding Cameron, but I bet most of you have no idea in the slightest what it's like being in an abusive relationship.

It's kinda offensive to the people who has suffered in relationships like that.

My mum was in a relationship with a psychopath and sure, she may have come off as stupid but she was manipulated by him and she loved him.

Allie isn't dumb, she's not stupid, she's just being manipulated by someone she thinks she can trust.

It's fine if you don't understand what an abusive relationship does, but please refrain from commenting stuff like that because it is offensive to those who has lived through a relationship like the one she's in.

Thank you!


I ended up spending the night with the Weasleys. I stayed in Ginny's room along with Granger. I got to know them a little.

Mrs Weasley wrote my parents that I was safe and she told me that Cedric had found his dad and was at home.

The next morning, my family owl Pudge had found me with a letter from Marco. He had been at St. Mungo's at a point during the night. He had broken his arm so had to wear it in a cast and a sling.

My brother was okay too. William had found Marco and stayed with him at the hospital. He went home with him to make sure he was okay.

It turned out it had been death eaters who attacked the site. When the trio got back, they exclaimed what they say. Potter explained what he saw. Apparently he saw the dark mark on the sky and he also saw a man, but other than that, I didn't really listen.

When my parents came to get me, I thanked Mr and Mrs Weasley a lot of times for being so welcoming and my mother thanked them for taking care of me.

That leads me to today. September 1st of 1994. The Hogwarts Express leaves towards Hogwarts in fifteen minutes and I'm just excited to be seeing my friends. I did see them one of the days after the attack happened. I wanted to make sure they were okay and the other way as well.

I was alright. My rib was bruised but luckily not broken. Though now, it didn't hurt anymore. I was lucky.

I watched as William grabbed a hold of his trolley and pushed it right towards the wall before he went through it.

"Allie, you next." Mum told me, motioning towards the wall. My youngest sister Charlotte was starting Hogwarts today. She turned eleven back in May and it's all she's been talking about all summer.

I tightened my grip on the trolley and then ran towards the wall. When I reached the other side, I looked around until my eyes landed on William who was handing over his luggage to the porter who loaded all luggage on the train. Once I did the same, William and I got on the train together.

William is a prefect and also a head boy this year. That means he has to sit in another carriage because prefects sit for themselves. So after Will said goodbye to me and gave me a small hug, I made my way down the carriage where Marco, Cedric and I usually sat.

I still couldn't believe what had happened at the World Cup. I had been so excited to attend it this year and then death eaters attacked. I still remember the feeling of people stamping on me. I'm quite fucking lucky that Fred and George came at the right time and got me out of there. I don't know if I could've gotten up on my own while everyone were still panicking and running for their lives.

My eyes scanned each compartment as I walked down the narrow aisle. Loads of people were filling them and when I finally found my friends, I automatically smiled.

It had only been about two weeks since the attack and since I last saw them, but I had missed them.

"There you are." I said as I pushed open the door. Both boys looked up and I slid the door closed behind me again.

"Hey." Cedric grinned. "How're you doing?"

"Still in pain?" Marco added as I threw my bag pack up on the luggage rack, then I sat down next to Cedric.

"No. I'm still a little blue though."

I nodded towards Marco's arm.

"How long do you have to wear the cast?"

Marco shrugged with a self-satisfied smile a/ he looked down at the many signatures on his cast.

"The healer said six to eight weeks." He told me. "That's another month at least."

I pouted at him, then stood up and dug into my bag for a marker.

"I wanna sign your cast." I said with a smile when I turned back towards him. He laughed softly but motioned for me to sit next to him, so I did.

"Be my guest."

Marco sucks cock -Allie S.

When Marco saw what I had written, he broke into laughter, throwing his head back and when Cedric stood up to join us and read what I had written, he grinned but shook his head while rolling his eyes playfully.

"What?" I questioned and looked between them. "Did I lie?"

Cedric chuckled and sat back down while Marco continued to laugh at what I wrote.

"You're fucking great." He told me when he calmed down a little. I smiled and put the marker away before I joined Cedric on the opposite seat of where Marco sat.

"Hey—" Cedric nudged my shoulder with his, earning my full attention. "Has Cameron been to see you after what happened at the campsite?"

"No." I responded, biting my lip. "No, but he's probably been busy."

"Busy with what?" Marco asked. "Being a bitch?"

"Shut up or I'll break your other arm." I told him, raising my eyebrows in a way to show I wasn't kidding around. "Maybe he hasn't heard about the attack. How is he supposed to come see me about it if he doesn't know it happened?"

Cedric stood up and I watched him as he pulled a newspaper out of his backpack and handed it to me.

'The Daily Prophet'

"Look at the headline." He told me and tapped his finger against the headline on the first page.


Underneath the headline was a moving black and white photograph of what Potter had explained to be the dark mark.

"Listen to this." Marco said and snatched the paper from my hands, holding it as he read the front page. "If the terrified wizards and witches who waited breathlessly for news at the edge of the wood expected reassurance from the Ministry of Magic, they were sadly disappointed. A Ministry official emerged some time after the appearance of the Dark Mark, alleging that nobody had been hurt, but refusing to give any more information. Whether his statement will be enough to quash the rumours that several bodies were removed from the woods an hour later, remains to be seen."

Marco raised his eyebrows at me, then handed Cedric back the newspaper.

"People died?" I asked, but Cedric shook his head.

"No, you can't believe anything Rita Skeeter writes." He told me. "Besides, Mr Weasley told my dad it was just a rumour. No bodies were pulled from the woods. Skeeter is just out to stir in the tea."

He folded the newspaper and shoved it back into his backpack before he sat down.

"My point with that was— it's in the Daily Prophet." he told me. "Everyone reads the Daily Prophet so the chances of Cameron knowing about the attack, is high."

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