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Y'all are scary af


Marco and William were no longer on the pitch so I figured they had gone back to Marco's dormitory. All day they had been talking about spending the day there, cuddling and whatever.

When I got to the common room, Cameron was making homework by one of the tables, and like the total bitch that I am, I got an urge to mess with him.

I tried to push the urge away but then sighed when I found myself walking towards him. I slid into the chair across from him, causing him to look up, his eyes meeting mine.

I flashed him a smile which only made him cock an eyebrow as if I was being weird.

I was being weird.

"I have a question." I said, straightening up as I folded my hands on the table. "Do you have a condom?"

"Excu— what?"

"A condom?" I asked. "A rubber? Whatever you want to call it... I'm about to have some really great sex. You want to know how I know it's gonna be some great sex? Because every time George fucks me, he finds a way to make my orgasm so much more intense and I am sure that I today will end up in the clouds for at least ten minutes afterwards."

His jaw clenched as his eyes stared into mine, sending daggers.

I am basically asking to be hit right now.

Why am I doing this again?

"Never mind." I breathed. "He wouldn't be able to fit in yours anyway. I've seen your dick. He's at least three times as big."

I got up before he could say anything, hearing him bang his fists against the table as I rushed up the stairs.

"Ayo, my boy, I'm about to have—" I barged into the room but my eyes went wide and my jaw fell to the ground at the sight in front of me.

William and Marco pulled away from each other as quickly as I had opened the door, though I had already seen William's hand around Marco's throat as he was pinned against the wall.

My brother was shirtless and had been in the middle of unbuckling Marco's belt.

"Jesus, Allie." William sighed as Marco laughed. "Ever heard of knocking."

I scoffed.

"Ever heard of locking the door before you decide to choke my best friend and fuck him against the wall?" I asked, causing William to cover his face with his hand and groan into them.

Marco let out a laugh, throwing his head back against the wall as he pointed at me.

"You're fucking great. I love you, you know that?"

"Yeah, I don't know what to think about you saying you love me when I just saw you being choked by my brother." I said. "So uh— well, this is great, isn't it? We're all getting sex. I uh— I need a condom."

William sighed and walked over to sit on Marco's bed while Marco pushed himself off the wall. He has gotten changed into a dress shirt after the quidditch game but now it was unbuttoned completely, hanging around his shoulders but revealing his chest and his six-packs.

Last year he was completely obsessed with getting six-packs. He wanted to impress William so he worked out so much to get fit.

"I don't have a condom." Marco said. "We've used all of mine."

I frowned.

"How? A few days ago you had eleven condoms."

I kinda counted them when I got bored. We were hanging out in here and I opened his drawers, grabbed all of his condoms and counted them.

That's normal, right?

"And now they're all kinda used up." Marco nodded slowly. "But William has some."

"I have one." William corrected him. "And I am kinda planning on using it in about thirty seconds when Allie leaves."


"Oh c'mon, baby." Marco laughed softly. "We're both clean. We got tested during the summer, remember? Plus, it feels so much better without some stupid barrier."

Too much information.

Though I tend to do the same sometimes. That's what happens when you spend time with Marco.

"So we're on the same page here?" I asked. "I get the condom? Because I'm a girl who could possibly get pregnant and I don't want that."

"Will?" Marco asked, tilting his head. "Don't you just love the idea of getting to fuck me without—"


I pressed my hands to my ears and closed my eyes while I started singing my favourite song.

'Beat it' by a Muggle singer called Michael Jackson.

A few seconds passed before I felt a pair of hands wrap around my wrists. I let out a suffocated scream but when I was hit on the side of the head, I opened my eyes to see Marco.

"How are you having sex?" He asked. "You act like a wandering virgin."

"How do someone act like a wandering virgin?"

"By breaking into song when sex is mentioned." He raised an eyebrow at me, lowering my hands from my head.

"No, no. I broke into song because you are mentioning sex with my brother and you had to go into details."

"You think that was detailed?" He laughed. "Let me show you detailed."


"Yesterday he took me from behind in his dormitory. He went way too slow, sexually torturing me and I had to beg—"

Once again I broke into song and squeezed my eyes closed as if that meant I couldn't hear anything.

"Stop singing!" William yelled. I opened my eyes again, seeing my brother walk over with a foil package in his hand. He handed it to me. "Allie, you are a terrible singer. I'm only giving you the condom to shut you up and to get you out. So— now you have it and we'll see you at lunch."

William grabbed my shoulders and pushed me out of the room, slamming the door in my face. A second later, I heard the sound of a spell being cast at the door and then I heard the door lock. Then all of sudden I could no longer hear any sounds coming from the room, meaning they had used the silencing spell.

"Allie!" Cameron called when I basically ran down the stairs. I stopped in my tracks and looked at him with an annoyed expression as I spun the condom around in my fingers.

"I really don't have time right now, Cameron." I said before I continued towards the door, though his voice stopped me again.

"I love you."

Boy says what?

"What?" I let out a laugh and turned towards him. "Not once did you say that in our relationship and now when you know I'm actually happy with someone else, you decide to tell me you love me?"

I want to hit him.

"I can give you a much better life than that Weasel can." He said. "At least I have money."

"No." I shook my head. "Your parents have money. We both know you don't have shit. That's always been bothering you, haven't it? That my parents give me stuff when yours give you nothing. Don't try and act like you've got more money than George."

He walked towards me and I immediately got scared, backing up. He had me pinned against the wall, placing a hand next to my head as he looked down at me.

"You never even gave me a chance to show you how great our sex could be." He said. I placed my hands against his chest and pushed him away before opening the door next to me.

"Oh c'mon." I scoffed. "You're like three inches. I've had you in my mouth and you didn't even reach halfway towards my throat."

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