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Saturday came around quickly, and George and I were going on our first date in Hogsmeade. Neither of us wanted anything fancy so we were simply gonna buy a lot of sweets and share them while talking about everything we find interesting.

Or shit like that. Maybe we'll forget about the sweets and make out the entire time.

I like kissing him.

I like making out with him. He's good at it, I know I'm good at it so why the hell wouldn't we do it every chance we get?

"I have to be honest with you." George said as we walked towards along the path to Hogsmeade. We were surrounded by snow so we were both wearing coats, scarves and beanies. I was wearing gloves too but George wasn't.

"What?" I questioned and looked up at him. "Georgie don't tell me you've been seeing other people."

He smiled at my suggestion and shook his head. "I just wanted to say, that you're actually not that short."

My eyebrows shrunk into a frown as I looked straight ahead and laughed.

"Thank you."

"I mean— you're still very short compared to me."

I hummed as I wrapped my arm around his, leaning my body agains him.

"You just know how to compliment a girl, huh?" I laughed. "No but uh— I like the height difference. I love how tall you are."

"Oh, I know how to compliment a girl." He said with a grin. "I believe I've already told you how gorgeous you are."

He looked down at me as he spoke and when I looked up again, our eyes met and I automatically smiled.

"You're actually quite beautiful." I said, staring up at his face as he let out a laugh, wrinkles forming by his eyes.

"Actually? And quite... that's some compliment."

"No, no!" I hurried to say, chuckling softly. "You are beautiful. You're handsome but pretty and beautiful at the same time."

George untangled our arms before grabbing my hand to hold in his. He swung our hands back and forth for a moment before he suddenly lifted them up, and spun me around, making me shriek. He quickly then wrapped an arm around my neck, and I laughed at his action while I intertwined my fingers with his hand over my shoulder.

"I'm relieved neither of us think the other one's ugly." He said, inhaling sharply before he looked down at me with a suspicious look. "Unless you're lying to me, eh?"

"You'll never know." I smirked. "I'm an excellent liar, but I can promise you that I'm not lying to you, nor will I ever. I don't lie to the people I care about."

George smiled in satisfaction of my answer as he pressed a kiss to my temple.

"Now, what'a your favourite sweets? I want to know which ones to buy most of."

"Wait, no, no. No, I asked you out, meaning that I'll be the one paying." I told him. "That's the rules. I don't make them."

He gave my hand a squeeze in response while slowly shaking his head.

"I'm a gentleman, angel."

"Alright, then ask me out the next time and you can get to pay." I told him with a cheeky smile. "I'm paying so you better find your peace with it."

George scoffed playfully, a pout playing on his lips, but he ended up agreeing to it. I moved closer to him, wrapping my arm around his back as my other hand was intertwined with his over my shoulder.

"Can I still know what your favourite sweets are?" He asked shyly, making me smile wide.

"The chocoballs." I told him. "Been my favourite since I first tasted them in year three."

Chocoballs are only sold in Honeydukes so when I in my third year visited Hogsmeade for the first time with Marco and when I tasted the chocoballs, I simply fell in love. That was before we made friends with Cedric. That happened later in the year.

"Mine are probably the Cauldron cakes." George told me. "Or the Chocolate Cauldrons. Basically anything that has to do with a cauldron."

When we reached Honeydukes in Hogsmeade, I paid for a lot of sweets, mostly my favourites and George's favourites. Afterwards, we found a bench. George brushed off the snow on it so we could sit down, and I poured out the sweets between us.

"What's your middle name?" George asked as he leaned back and stared up at the sky while unpacking a chocolate cauldron. "I've been wondering a lot about it. Your first and last name fit your face and your personality so your middle has to do the same. Unless you don't have a middle name."

I smiled and opened the small paper bag with the chocoballs in it.

"I have two." I said and took a bite. George turned his head to look at me, eyebrows raised in surprise.

Then he sat up straight and turned towards me throwing one of his legs over the bench to face me.

"Two middle names?"

I nodded, swallowing so I could tell him what they were.

"My full name is Allie Ruby Emmalyn Silverberry." I said. "Ruby is the name of my grandmother on my mum's side and Emmalyn is what my mum wanted me to be named but my dad hates the name so it became one of my middle names."

"Ah-huh." He nodded. "What about your siblings? Do they have two middle names as well?"

I nodded and took another bite, waiting until I swallowed to answer him verbally.

"William's middle names are Augustus after our dad and Grant after our dads dad." I said. "Eleanor has Alaina and Ivy but there's no special or hidden meaning behind those... and then there's Charlotte. Charlotte Sloane Melanie Silverberry. No special meaning either. But then again, my parents only wanted two kids. Eleanor was an accident, then Charlotte was an accident, born fourteen months after El."

I looked at George and ate the rest of my chocoballs while narrowing my eyes at him.

"You're looking at me like that again."

"Like what?" He smiled softly, tilting his head. I shrugged and rested my arm on the back of the bench, dragging my nail over some of the paint that was about to come off.

"Like I'm the most adorable thing in the world." I grinned cheekily, watching him as he broke off some of the chocolate on the chocolate cauldron, to eat it. "Because I'm most definitely not adorable."

"Definitely not." He said sarcastically, his nose scrunching up in a way that made my heart melt. "Who would think you're adorable? You carry a knife. If anything, you're scary."

"That's right." I nodded. "You need to keep that in mind, lover boy. If you ever get on my bad side — if you piss me off, you better run."

George moved closer and brought a hand up to my face to brush my hair behind my ear.

"How am I supposed to take you seriously when you just called me lover boy?"

"Oh shut up." I mumbled shyly, patting his cheek. "I called you lover boy in a— in a dangerous way, y'know?"

George broke into a soft laughed and he pressed a kiss to my lips, continuing to laugh as he pulled away again.

"Fuck I love—" he started to say and I widened my eyes, looking at him, though he didn't continue. He inhaled sharply before pressing his lips together. "I love chocolate."

Who wanna bet that George loved Allie even before they started dating?

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