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It's alright.

Everything is alright.

Don't freak out.

Don't get angry.

It's your own fault.

"Tell me again why you gave your abusive boyfriend the combination to your safe and not me." Marco said, leaned over the kitchen counter, looking at me as I prepared breakfast for everyone in the house.

Dad was at work like he always was so it was me, my friends, my lovely boyfriend and my siblings.

Though while cooking, a few thoughts were in the back of my head. First of all, I'm grieving my best friend — or, trying to. I have no idea how to deal with grief so I act like it didn't happen. I act like I'll see him in September. Then there's the fact that my money and my jewellery was stolen by a person I trusted. And then there is the fact that Rose Parkinson and her annoying daughter Pansy are moving in sometime today.

"I don't know." I pouted slightly. "I'll gladly admit that I made a huge mistake. My things getting stolen is on me and I know that. It just... sucks."

"I wouldn't say it's completely on you." He shrugged. "I mean, it's on Cameron for being a horrible person but yeah, you made a mistake. Though... it's good that you can admit it."

I chuckled softly before I looked at George who was next to me, making small braids in my hair. He was very focused.

Fred and Lee were "talking"... I'm pretty sure they're doing more than talking but they're sitting in the garden by the outdoor fireplace.

"I still have that—"

"George, please." I held up a hand, causing him to look at me in amusement at how I was speaking. "Babe, I am not about to take that check back. You use that with Fred on your shop when we graduate, okay?"

His eyes searched for something in mine and when he realised I wasn't gonna change my mind, he nodded with a hum leaving his throat.

"Why don't you ask your mum for help?" Marco asked. "I hate to be that person but I know she would want to help you if you need money. You haven't lost your future, Allie... both you're parents are rich."

I know.

"I just— if I ask my dad, he's gonna end up holding that against me in the future when we fight." I said. "And mum... well with everything that's going on. Dad cheated on her and she doesn't have anywhere to live right now. I don't know. I'll talk to her about it the next time I see her."

The door to the kitchen swung open and William entered, walking straight to the fridge. Marco straightened up, looking at him before he looked down at the island, tapping his fingers against the surface.

"Will?" I asked. "Can you go wake up El and Cece so they can get ready before breakfast?"

William grabbed a juice from the fridge before he turned around to look at me.

"You want me to wake up Eleanor and Charlotte?" He asked. "I'm sorry but I'd like to live another day."

He unscrewed the tap to the juice and took a sip before he froze for a moment then nodded.

"I'll go wake them up." He said, leaving the kitchen.

"And I'll go help." Marco breathed. "He's gonna need backup with those two girls."

Then he grinned and turned to follow William out of the kitchen.

"Oh, William!" He sang, disappearing through the door. I couldn't help but chuckle. I looked at George. He was still making braids out of my hair, his tongue poked out as he bit down on it.

Us ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now