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William led me up the stairs to the boys dormitory of the Gryffindor house. I had shared my plan with him and he had shook his head but ended up agreeing to letting me into the common room and keeping a watch.

First I was gonna cover George, Fred and Lee's furniture in post-it notes. Something I read in that Muggle prank book that mum sent me. Then I'll wrap all their stuff in wrapping paper and lastly I'll do something else for George too. I'll take all his underwear and hide it around the castle.

You may think; can't they just do magic to clean it up? Well, no... no they cannot because using magic outside of class for stuff that has nothing to do with class or the possibility of learning, is breaking the rules.

"Just don't touch any of my things, alright?" William asked, pointing out his part of the room as we entered.

"I won't."

He gave me a hesitating look before he walked out of the door so he could keep a watch.

I started with Fred's stuff, when I finished them I moved onto Lee and lastly I did George's stuff, covered his bed, nightstand and dresser in post-it notes before wrapping all his belongings with some gift wrapper before I took all of George's underwear and put them into my bag.

When I was finished, I hurried out to William, my bag over my shoulder. I grinned up at my brother who sighed and looked back at the room.

"I'm done." I told him. "Don't tell them it was me, alright? Thanks big guy."

I swatted his arm before I made my way down the stairs, hurrying out of the common room before he could make any comment about being immature and irresponsible.

William is head boy so while trying to help me with plans like that, he still has to try and knock some sense into me.

Not that that's going to work, seeing as I don't have any common sense whatsoever.

When I got back to my own common room, Marco was doing push-ups while Cedric was counting.

I smiled to myself, not knowing what they were up to, so I walked over and sat on the sofa, placing my bag next to me as I watched my two friends.

Marco looked like he was sweating — a lot. His grey tank top was almost drenched. It was disgusting.

I needed to figure out where to put George's underwear. I also needed to not run into him when I was walking around, hiding them.

When Marco was finished doing his push-ups, he got up and started cheering when Cedric told him how many he did.


I could do more push-ups than him. I've already done more push-ups than that. Though I love how enthusiastic he is about it.

"Allie!" Marco grinned when he saw me. Cedric looked at me as well, but then their eyes landed on my bag.

"What's in that?" Ced asked. I immediately grabbed my bag and shrugged while I hugged it.

"Nothing." I smiled. "Just some— clothes."

"Clothes?" Marco mocked, reaching for my bag but I moved it out of his reach. "Oh c'mon, babe. Show me the clothes."

"No." I said. "It's actually not clothes. It's book. A lot of books. It's heavy."

Marco looked back at Cedric who looked amused, then the two looked at me again and Marco let out a laugh.

"You're trying to get a Ravenclaw to back off by saying it's books?"

"Oh shut up! Weird that a Ravenclaw would use the stereotype of his own house." I said. "Not every Ravenclaw is obsessed with books, Marco. Just like not every Ravenclaw is stuck-up and clever."

Marco tried to reach for the bag again, but I shrieked and jumped up, holding my bag while moving further away from my friend.

"I am well aware of that, Allie." Marco rolled his eyes. "Just show me what's in the bag. You're making it seem like you're hiding something to use to commit manslaughter."

"Love, if I were going to commit manslaughter, I wouldn't walk around the castle with the tools in my bag." I said. "And stop being an ass. It's my bag. You don't need to see the content of it unless I want you to."

Marco snorted in response as he folded his arms over his chest. "An ass? Did you just call me a donkey?"

"What?" I laughed. "I called you an ass— oh, I'm sorry. An arse."

I'm half British, half American. I have a British accent but from time to time I use an American word instead of he British one. I tend to say 'ass' instead of 'arse' and I know Marco sometimes accidentally says it too because I do.

"We're in Britain, love." Marco mocked me. "People will think you're walking around calling them donkeys. No one likes being called a donkey."

I flipped him off in response, which apparently seemed to piss him off. Suddenly he lunged forward and grabbed the bag from my hands.

"Marco!" I shrieked as he opened it to look at the content.

"Marco, don't do that." Ced sighed. "Just give her back the bag."

"Marco!" I yelled again, trying to reach for my bag, but he jumped onto the table and held it in the air while holding a hand out to stop me. Then he looked into the bag again.

"Why is there tons of underwear in here?" He asked. "And who the fuck has this big of a cock?"

"Oh my god, Marcus Pablo Partridge, give. that. back. Right now!"

He looked at me through narrowed eyes while Cedric had taken a seat, a bored expression on his face.

"Is this five's briefs?" Marco asked and took another look. "Shit. He's huge!"

"That's quite enough!" I exclaimed as I snatched the bag from his hands. "Don't talk about him like that?"

"Like what? I was just complimenting his glue stick, babe." He said. "Good job on getting that one. The sex must be good."


"You have no filter whatsoever, do you?" Cedric asked, causing us to look at him as he stared up at Marco. "Just let her stock up on her boyfriends—"

Cedric frowned before he looked at me.

"Why do you have your boyfriends underwear?" He asked. "That's an odd thing to collect."

"I'm not collecting them." I said and rolled my eyes. "I'm getting back at the three boys for pranking me and scaring the shit out of me. You should see what I did to their stuff in their dormitory. This is just a little extra thing for George. I'm gonna hide them around the castle."

Yes, I know this chapter was a few pages shorter than usual.

Though... George is confronting Allie about his underwear in the next chapter.

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