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Warning: Sexual harassment

The way you look at me.

I smiled as I read the note I had pulled out of the jar. That was the first one out of three-hundred and sixty-five. I still couldn't believe he had taken his time on writing so many notes and so many reasons.

There was no way I was gonna top that for his birthday.

I read the note over and over again while Cho and Marietta walked around the room, chatting as they got ready for the day.

It was Friday. After breakfast I had two lessons of transfiguration where I sat next to George. Then I had one lesson of History of Magic before lunch and at two I had Muggle studies which ended at four, two hours before dinner.

I didn't have much time to spend with friends today. Or with George, though I was still gonna try and see them between lessons.

At the time I got dressed, Cho and Marietta had already left for breakfast. Normally I met Marco in the common room, but he wasn't there so I figured he had met up with William and they had gone to breakfast together.

I was lost in my own thoughts as I walked down the Ravenclaw staircase and through the hallways and corridors of the castle to get to the Great Hall.

I didn't even notice how two people I had passed, suddenly pushed themselves off the wall on ether side of the corridor to follow me.

It was only when two other people ahead of me, pushed off the walls and approached me, that I stopped in my tracks. I gave them an odd look, knowing exactly who they were, then turned around to see the other two.

They were all Slytherins — all friends of Cameron. I turned back around in the direction I was headed.

The two guys in front of me were Adrian Pucey and Cassius Warrington and the two behind me were Graham Montague and Miles Bletchley.

"Where do you think you're going, pretty lady?" Warrington asked. I gave him an odd look before I broke into laughter, having to cover my mouth.

"What the fuck are you laughing at?" Montague asked from behind me. I shook my head, continuing to laugh into my hand.

"Wow, that's great." I nodded at Warrington. "Did you practice that? Because you sound ridiculous. I think you've watched too many films. Now, would you excuse me?"

I tried to make my way through them but Warrington's hand came up and grabbed around my throat and in surprise, I yelped.

"Cameron made us promise not to hurt you." He said. "But we're getting tired of you Silverberries thinking you're so much better than anyone else."

I stared at him as he tightened his grip on my throat.

"We don't think we're better than anyone else." I said. "But we know we're better than you and everyone else who likes hurting women."

"Women?" Pucey laughed. "There's not much of a woman about you. Women are beautiful and mature—"

"Men are the same." I cut him off. "So you can't exactly be a man either, huh? At least I'm grown enough to know how to defend myself."

They didn't get to respond to that before I grabbed under Warrington's elbow, tugged him forwards before my knee came up to hit him between the legs. He let out a growl of pain as he automatically let go of my throat.

I twisted his arm and used my foot to push him to the ground, then I stepped on his back, keeping his arm twisted as he kept whimpering out of pain.

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