One-hundred and nineteen

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On the morning of October 7th, I woke up, got dressed while having casual conversation with my roommates and then I walked downstairs to meet Marco and Timothy like usual.

Though this morning, something was different. A whole lot of Ravenclaw students were gathered around the Ravenclaw notice board, staring at something while chatting to each other.

Timothy was leaned back on the sofa and Marco sat on the armrest. They too were speaking but Marco was spinning a familiar lighter around between his fingers.

"Don't tell me you're smoking again." I sighed as I approached him.

Marco spoked over a period of time during our fifth year. Fifteen years old and he had picked up that habit from having his father smoke his entire life. Though he quit because he realised how bad of a habit it is.

"I had one cigarette last night before I went up here for the curfew." He admitted and shook his head. "And guess what... I'm already fucking addicted again."


"I know." He breathed. "I tried to fight it but I felt a bit stressed and I had a cigarette to calm my nerves."

I hummed but decided not to comment any further on it, seeing as it's his life and his body.

"What's going on there?" I asked, nodding towards the notice board.

Marco shrugged.

"Some decree Umbridge has put up." He said. "Apparently she's put pieces of parchment up in all the comment rooms, and a sign on the wall in front of the Great Hall."

I raised my eyebrow at what he told me, then made my way over and pushed my way through the crowd until I could see the piece of parchment that was hanging on the notice board.


All students organisations, societies, teams, groups and clubs are henceforth disbanded.

An organisation, society, team, group or club is hereby defined as a regular meeting of three and more students.

Permission to re-form may be sought from the High Inquisitor (Professor Umbridge).

No student organisation, society, team, group or club may exist without the knowledge and approval of the High Inquisitor.

Any student found to have formed, or to belong to, an organisation, society, team, group or club that has not been approved by the High Inquisitor will be expelled.

The above is in accordance with Educational Decree Number Twenty-four.

Dolores Jane Umbridge
High Inquisitor

I read the sign multiple times before pushing my way back out of the crowd, frowning as I walked over to Marco.

I folded my arms over my chest.

"Have you read that?"

"I have."

"And you're not— what about quidditch?" I asked. "What does that mean for quidditch?"

"Honestly, I'm not even affected anymore when that woman decided to pull some sort of shit." He said, running a hand over his face.

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