One-hundred and six

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I just found out that there is one head girl and one head boy out of the entire school and now two per house, so let's just forget about that one detail and act like there is one head girl and one head boy per house.

Also, this'll be the last chapter of tonight, seeing as it's 3am and I'm going to bed.


Pocket money failing to keep pace
with your outgoings?

Like to earn a little extra GOLD?
Contact Fred and George Weasley,
Gryffindor common room,
(We regret that ALL work is undertaken at applicant's own risk)

"What's that?" Marco asked and approached me as I hung up the sign in the common room like Fred and George had asked me to.

He placed himself next to me and read the sign, his head tilted while he took a bite of the red apple in his hand.

"Isn't it our job to stop this kind of thing?" He asked, pointing a the sign. "I'm not sure that's allowed."

I shrugged.

"Or is five promising you sex?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and bit a piece of tape off before placing it on the last corner.

I placed the roll of tape down on the table afterwards and turned towards Marco who was still watching the sign.

"George asked me to hang it up so I said yes." I shrugged. "I don't see anything wrong with it. They're having fun. The school should change its rules."

"Partridge, Silverberry!" Davies called as he made his way down the stairs. "Gryffindor had the pitch today for tryouts and Hufflepuff tomorrow. It's our turn on Saturday and I want the entire team to be there."

"Really?" Marco groaned. "The last time it was just you."

"And now it's the entire team." Davies said before looking at me. "Are you gonna make sure he shows up?"

The sound of Marco taking a bite of his apple, filled the entire room.

"Oh, and if you see Stratton or Page, tell them too, yeah? I've already informed Chang."

"Sure." I nodded. "Saturday at noon?"

"That's right." Davies nodded as he headed for the door to leave the common room.

"I can't believe they chose him to be team captain." Marco said, staring at the door after it closed behind Davies. "I would be a great captain."

"You're already head boy." I said, poking his badge. "Davies is a great leader — always has been. I'm sure he'll do great as captain."

"But tryouts with the entire team?" Marco looked at me and made a face. "That means I have to be there and watch ton of tiny Ravenclaws think they'll be good enough for our team."

"Eleanor will be trying out." I said. "She would want the support from the both of us."

Marco hummed and pouted as he took another bite of his apple. He walked to the table and sat down on it, swinging his legs back and forth.

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