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"Please, Allie." Lee begged. "I'll do anything. I'll be your fucking servant for the next school year. No matter what you want, I'll do it."

He had been begging me for the last couple of days about wanting to stay at my house for that week along with George. He's been begging on Fred's behalf too.

"It'll be fun." He continued. "We can have a girly sleepover. Do you like girly sleepovers? What do girls even do at a sleepover? Share secrets? Pillow fights?"

"I have no idea." I chuckled. "I've never had any female friends."

"You've never— what?!" Lee shrieked, hurting my ears. I made a face at how high-pitched that was. "What about before Hogwarts? What school did you go to?"

"Some private school in Knightsbridge. That's a part of Londo—"

"A rich part of London." Lee cut me off, eyes wide. "I'm sorry— sorry. Go on."

Fred and George were both watching our conversation while casually eating.

William was eating for himself at the other end of the Gryffindor table and Marco wasn't here. He hadn't showed up to any meals since their breakup so I always sneak some food out and up to him.

Right now, it's lunch on a Thursday at the end of April. When I saw him before I left for lunch, he was hiding underneath his duvet, crying.

Though he hasn't skipped any classes. He shows up but he can't concentrate and he's not listening. When he's got some free time, he goes straight back to the common room to be back in bed.

"It's called Knightsbridge school." I told Lee. "I didn't have any friends there. They were all idiots."

"You were what— five to seven years old?" George asked. "Yet you thought they were idiots?"

"I can see it." Fred nodded slowly. "Little five-year-old Allie Silverberry calling the other kids idiots."

That's exactly how it went.

"What about primary school?" Lee asked.

"Well, Knightsbridge had school for age four to sixteen. They had every key of education so I went to primary school there as well. I did have a friend there though. His name was Tom. It was a guy. I've never had any female friends."

"No?" Fred asked. "Why is that?"

I shrugged.

"I don't know. I just made friends with Tom and that was it. I never really came across any girls that I clicked with."

He and Lee both hummed in response but didn't comment on it any further.

"So— are you gonna write your dad and asks him if Fred and I can join you for a week at your mansion?" Lee asked, folding his arms on the table.

"It's not a mansion." I frowned. "It's just a— big house."

"How bit exactly?" Lee asked. "Bigger than the Windsor castle?"

"No not bigger than the— what?" I laughed. "The castle is gigantic. My dad's house is not even close to the size of that."

"I'll be the judge of that." He scoffed. "So can we? Go spend the week with you and George?"

I sighed and looked at him through narrowed eyes as he grinned widely to try and persuade me into saying yes.

"Fine." I breathed. "But you can sleep in my living room."

"You have your own living room?!" Lee yelled, making the Great Hall go quiet. "What else? Do you have a walk-in-closet too?"


"You have a walk-in-closet, don't you?" He asked. I cleared my throat before I grabbed a slice of bread, preparing it with some ham so I could take it up to Marco.

"Right, I'll see you three later." I smiled softly and wrapped the bread in a napkin. Then I kissed George's cheek as I got up and walked out of the Great Hall, slapping William in the back of the head on my way like I always did after he dumped my best friend.

When I entered Marco's dormitory, he was lying on his back, staring up at the ceiling. Cameron was in here too, writing something in a book. He glanced up at me as I entered, but didn't say a word.

"Hi, love." I smiled at Marco, joining him on the bed. "I brought you some food. Bread with ham. Just how you like it."

He pulled himself up to sit and forced a small smile as I handed him over the bread that was packed in the napkin. He took a bite, eyes staying on the bed. His hair was a mess, not brushed, just sitting around his face, poking into the air some places.

"So, Lee just spend another good ten minutes on begging me to let him and Fred stay with George and I during the first week of the summer." I said. "You should come too. I don't know if he'll be staying at the house, seeing as his relationship to dad is a bit complicated and he can legally go live somewhere else."

Marco shrugged.

"I don't know, babe."

"That's okay." I smiled comfortably. "It was only a suggestion. You don't have to if you don't feel comfortable about it."

Seeing him like this broke my heart. He was always so happy, so full of love and now it was like his spirit was gone – like all the happiness was drained from his soul.

"Do you wanna go see Cedric later?" I asked. "He's stressing himself out about the annual test like always. It's not until June though."

Marco shrugged again.

"Maybe later." he mumbled. "Listen Allie, I'm very grateful for you and that you bring me food but right now I just want to be alone."

"Oh." I breathed. "Okay. Can I come back after Arithmancy then? Just for a short moment to see you and see how you're doing?"

He didn't say anything. He simply nodded and I nodded back, brushing my fingers through his hair before I stood up. I looked towards Cameron who was still writing in a book. Then I looked at Marco who simply shook his head, telling me to leave it.

He probably didn't want the drama.

He really wasn't feeling well. Marco never said no to drama. It was his favourite thing, especially watching it.

I left the dormitory, closing the door behind me before I let out a shaking breath.

Seeing him like this made me want to cry.

I couldn't handle seeing the people I love hurt like this.

Even though I was pissed at William, it was the same thing. Seeing him cry the day I confronted him, made my heart ache. I just want the two to be able to talk it through and get back together. I know they love each other big time and they were fucking engaged, even if there was no ring. They were gonna get married. Illegally, but still...

I found Cedric in the middle courtyard, sitting against the big tree. He was watching the people walk past, while he was eating a pear.

"Ced." I breathed as I joined him. "You look like you're in love with that pear."

He looked at me with a small chuckle before he looked at the pear in his hand.

"Maybe I am." he smiled, but his smile then faded. "How is Marco?"

"Fucking heartbroken." I said. "It's his first real heartbreak and it just happens to be over the guy he thought was his soulmate."

"I thought he called you his soulmate."

"You can't have two?" I raised an eyebrow before forcing a small smile. "I have something to ask you, actually."

Cedric hummed, taking a bite of his pear as he went back to watching the students in the courtyard.

"Apparently my home has turned into a hotel for the first week of the summer." I chuckled. "George will be staying, Fred will be staying, Lee too and I asked Marco but I don't think he will. How about you? Wanna spend a week with us? With those three, I'm sure it'll be fun."

A smile appeared on Cedric's face as he nodded.

"Alright. Does sound pretty fun."

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