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"Right, but imagine a cock the size of this cheese." Marco said, holding up a round cheese he had grabbed from the table. "How would that slide into the vagina?"

Why is it always when I'm eating?

"What are you looking at me for?" I asked as he  and Cedric stared right at me. We had made up with him again. He apologised for spending less time with us and for acting like a douche who let the fame get to his head.

"You're the one with a vagina." Marco said. "So—"

"So what?" I snapped, grabbing the cheese from his hand. "You think I spend my free time pushing an entire cheese up my vagina?"

"Babe, leave her alone." William said, nudging Marco with his shoulder. Marco and I exchanged a look before we both looked at Will who didn't seem to think anything was out of the ordinary.

"Did you just— could you repeat that please?" Marco asked. "What did you just call me?"

William raised an eyebrow and looked at me before looking at Marco who sat next to him.

"I said; Marco, leave her alone."

"No no." Marco shook his head. "You called me babe."

"I did not call you b—"

"You called me babe." Marco cut him off. "You've never called me babe in public. You've never called me babe in front of anyone."

William looked like he was getting a little nervous, putting down the slice of bread he had been eating, before he cleared his throat and sat up straight.

"So—" he breathed, looking at me. "What do you have planned for today? You've been working a lot on the clones' birthday."


"Don't try and change the subject." Marco said, gently shoving Will in the shoulder. "Babe... you called me babe."

"Marcus, drop it." William snapped. Marco and I exchanged a second glance, then decided to drop it like Will wanted us to.

"No but really, what do you have planned?" Cedric asked me. "Are you gonna do something for the both of them or only George?"

"The both of them of course." I said. "They're basically always together and I don't think they want it to be any different on their birthday so Lee and I have been working on making today the best birthday ever for them. After all, they're now of age. That's a big one."

"Not as big as—"

"Marco." I cut him off, looking at him. "I already know where that's going and I am kindly gonna ask you to shut up."

He scoffed and rolled his eyes before folding his arms over his chest, acting all offended.

The twins weren't at breakfast. Lee wasn't either so I knew exactly where they were. Whenever they skipped breakfast, it was because they were too busy with preparing a prank and I had overheard them talk about preparing something in the potions classroom yesterday, so that's where I could find them.

"I'm gonna go." I said as I grabbed three slices of bread and wrapped each one up in a napkin. "I'll see you three later."

I left the Great Hall, hiding the bread by my side so no teachers or head boy/girls saw me sneak food out of the hall.

I made my way down to the dungeons and as I had expected, the door to the potions classroom wasn't locked.

Inside, the three were working on something in a cauldron, through they all glanced at me when I entered.

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