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The Weasley twins were setting up for a prank near Filch's office when I approached them. They looked pretty secretive, hiding around the corner as most people were in class and wouldn't walk by.

I had learned in the past month that this year, each twin only had three classes. Fred explained it to me during Herbology.

He and George only has three O.W.L.s from last year, meaning they are only allowed to take three NEWTs, and neither of them decided to take an elective.

Both had Charms and Defence Against the Dark Arts but Fred then had Herbology while George had transfiguration.

I leaned my shoulder against the wall, arms folded over my chest as I waited for the two to notice me. Fred was the first to do so. He was leaned over some kind of box and his eyes widened when he saw me, then he straightened up.

"Shit." He cursed. "You haven't seen us! Please don't tell anyone what you're seeing."

"Dunno what I'm seeing." I chuckled. George who was putting something together — I don't know what he was putting together — turned his head and smiled when his eyes landed on me. He then looked at his brother.

"She won't tell."

"Yeah?" Fred asked. "How can you be so sure?"

"George's right." I assured Fred. "I'm just gonna act like I never saw you. After I've asked you a favour."

They exchanged a curious glance before they stopped what they were during and both straightened up to hear what I had to say.

"After the attack at the campsite and I stayed with your family for the night, I heard you talk about something you've invented during the summer. Some kind of paste to remove bruising?"

"Well, yeah—" Fred nodded. "We've been talking about inventing one."

"We usually have to test out our own products." George added. "Meaning that we sometimes end up with bruising."

"So a bruise removal paste seems like a good idea." Fred continued. "Don't you think?"

I nodded and sighed before I stepped out of the shadow from where the lights had gone out, and into the light that was still on. I watched their faces hit realisation when they saw me.

"Seeing as you haven't got the bruise removal paste yet—" I gulped. "Do you have any idea how I can make this disappear?"

I motioned towards my cheek and my eye. I don't know if it was the force from the slap or if Cameron just slapped me in a very unlucky place that made the area surrounding my eye and cheekbone really dark. It's almost a black colour and it's really ugly. I can't walk around school with a black eye.

"Did you get into a fight with a kangaroo?" Fred asked. "That looks really bad."

"What happened?" George asked as he carefully approached me, being cautious about scaring me in any way.

"I fell."

"Onto what? Someone's hand?" He asked before brushing a few fingers over my bruised cheekbone, causing me to wince at the pain. "Because there's at least half a hand printed on here."


When I looked in the mirror, there was no handprint. That must've appeared after.

"It doesn't matter." I hurried to say as I took a step back. "Can you help me or not?"

George watched my eyes for a second before he looked back at Fred from over his shoulder.

"Can you finish this?" He asked. "I'll go see what I can do to help."

Us ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now