One-hundred and forty-one

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December 25th of 1995

"What even is the point?"

Marco and I stared in the mirror, he with a smile on his face and me with a frown.

"I don't even want to celebrate Christmas this year so why do we have to go to this stupid thing?" I asked. "It's just full of middle-aged men thinking that women is their property."

"I know, babe." Marco said, smoothing out the material of my dress. "But your mum wanted every single one of us to go."

"I was fourteen when a fifty-year-old man approached me at the Christmas ball." I said, folding my arms over my chest while staring at myself. "He told me I looked sexy, full knowing that I was underage. What he didn't know was that my father was the man hosting and that dad heard him say that to me."

Marco chuckled and crouched so he could fix the dress up a bit, but he looked at me through the mirror, biting down on his tongue.

"What happened next?"

I shrugged.

"Dad threw him out." I said. "Literally."

Marco laughed as he lifted the bottom of a dress so he could close the strap on the heels I was wearing.

"I would've worn a dress as well." He told me. "But apparently your dad is still struggling with his toxic masculinity."

I hummed softly while Marco smoothed out the material again, making sure it looked perfect all around.

"George once told me that sometimes you just need to accept that people are the way that they are." I said. "And that you can't change them."

Marco looked up at me and sighed before standing up straight.

"I know breakups are tough." He said. "But you'll get through it. We're almost finished with school and then you'll start your life in journalism."

I shook my head.

"No... Will has promised me a job at the leaky cauldron."

"What?" Marco frowned. "No... you want to be a journalist. You've always loved writing. Why are you suddenly dropping that idea?"

I simply shrugged.

"Don't tell me it's because of George." He said. "I know he helped you feel secure with your decision, but you'll be a great journalist."

"No I won't." I said. "I'll be pretty fucking shitty because I can't do arguments... I have my opinion and I always stick to it."

"So? There're different types of journalists." He said. "Some show the different perspectives and then there are those who state their own views and with your views, I think you could change a lot in the wizarding world for the future's wizards and witches."

I chewed on the inside of my lip as I watched my reflection in the mirror.


That was the colour of my dress.

It was a navy blue dress that reached my feet. It was laced with a diamond belt around the waist and the top glittery. It had a v-neck, showing off my cleavage and then it was one string that went around the neck and was attacked to a zipper on the back. It had a high slit up my left leg which Marco had pointed out made me look incredibly sexy.

"If I wasn't marrying your brother, I'd totally bone you."

I had just rolled my eyes at that.

"It needs a necklace." I sighed, running my hand over my throat while watching myself, then I looked at Marco in the mirror.

He was currently wearing his black dress pants, his white dress shirt and a black tie. The jacket to the suit was thrown over the chair of my desk, and his sleeves were folded up to his elbows.

Us ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now