One-hundred and thirty-three

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It's Allie's birthday! (March 4th)


As we made our way up to castle, I was frowning, trying to process what I had witnessed.

George became himself for just a moment. Then she put her hand on his shoulder while I saw her lips move and then it was like he was back under her control.

I knew exactly what was going on and that confused me even more. Why would she use that curse on my George?

She'd go to Azkaban for life. She will go to Azkaban for life. Just as soon as I can prove it... but I promised Marco to let them take care of it and just focus on my studies... but... it's George we're talking about and I'm not about to let that witch ruin him.

It would've been an insult if we were muggles and not actual witches.

See, it's rude.

Why do muggles call people witches as an insult, but they do use wizard in the same way?

"I'm gonna go..." I narrowed my eyes while Marco looked at me, waiting for me to tell him where. "...library."

"Oh, okay... well, I'll come with you." He said but I immediately grabbed his arm and shook my head.

"No!" I exclaimed. He frowned at me as we both stopped walking, and shortly after... so did Timothy. "I just need to— I need to be alone."

I hurried to run up the stairs before he got to say anything.

Truth was, I wasn't going to the library. I was gonna wait for George outside McGonagall's office so I could hopefully help him to snap out of whatever trance he was in.

I just needed to get him alone long enough for him to come back to me.

When I got to the office, Carrington was already here and I felt the anger slowly boil. Then suddenly I snapped.

One minute I was looking at her, and the next I was on top of her, punching her over and over again.

All I could think about was George being trapped and that only made me angrier and angrier.

I kept punching until she grabbed at the roots of my hair and pulled me off of her before she got on top and then I received the first punch to my face.

It hit me right in the jaw, turning my head and then right away, she hit me in the cheekbone.

I tried to push her off of me as she scratched one side of my face so hard that I could feel the blood appear from my ripped skin.

Then she stopped punching and scratching me, and instead grabbed my hair by the roots again, lifting my head to smash it against the ground.

"Are you a little offended, huh?" She mocked. "Because I get to fuck him and you don't?"


"Oh you didn't expect that, did you?" She asked when she saw my expression. "Yeah... I fucked him and it was good. He's big and a real animal in the—"

That was it.

I let out a scream as I punched her straight in the face, sending her tumbling back on the floor.

"Don't you dare touch him!" I yelled and just as I went to get on top of her again, someone pulled me away. "I will fucking kill you, you whore! Fucking cunt! Touch him and I will—"


I froze in the arms of who I recognised to be George and for a moment I felt at home, but then he put me down as shoved me aside, basically throwing me away so he could help Carrington up.

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