One-hundred and twenty-six

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I entered the library, knowing Allie was going to be in here, studying. I also knew she was going to look adorable.

She always looked extra adorable when studying. She had a certain outfit and everything. Especially her Saturday studies and today... was Saturday.

When I saw her, I smiled.

She was sitting at one of the larger tables, books spread out everywhere in front of her. She was wearing my grey sweatpants and my black AC/DC hoodie.

Her brown hair was pulled back into a messy bun, a few strands hanging loosely around the frame of her face, slightly longer than her bangs.

Her black glasses were placed perfectly on the bridge of her nose and the tip of her tongue was slightly sticking out of her mouth while she bit down on it, concentrating, the quill in her hand moving across her textbook.

I didn't want to interrupt her because she was looking way too cute, so instead I leaned against the shelves, moving my arm up to rest above my head, crossing my ankles while I placed a hand on my hip.

I licked my lips as I watched her. She looked kind of stressed. I know Carrington had been bugging her a lot these past days and then there was her extra detention and the pain she had to go through.

Suddenly she accidentally tipped over her ink with her quill. As it poured over her homework, she stood up quickly, pushing the chair back.

"Shit shit shit." She cursed, gathering her books while picking up the ink bottle. She sighed when she looked at her book covered in ink, then lifted her head, her eyes closed while she let out a sigh.

When she opened her eyes, she straightened up her body a little and her expression softened.


"Hi angel." I smiled softly. "Are you okay? You seem stressed."

She shrugged and looked down at her books again, chewing on the inside of her cheek before answering.

"I'm having a bad day." She shrugged and sat back down. I walked over and leaned my hands on the table.

"You shouldn't feel bad about the ink." I said and dragged the book closer to me. "Just rip out the page and start over."

"I was finished." She sighed. "I was just writing the date on the top of the sheet but now..."

I reached out and grasped her jaw, stroking my thumb over her cheek as I tilted her head back, making her look at me.

As a single year dropped from her bottom lashes, I wiped it away with my thumb as I stared into her eyes that were full of sadness.

"It's four months since he died." She said in a whisper and just by saying those words, her eyes filled with tears. "And I can't— I can't get it out of my head. Everything that happened that day. Me sitting in that chair, my hands an ankles tied, Cameron next to me while he made me watch the screen as Harry and Cedric came back, Ced not moving. Hearing Harry cry like that and hearing Mr Diggory... I can't... seeing Marco's reaction too. The way his whole face just filled with shock as he fell to the ground. I can't get it out of my head."

I took her face in both of my hands, placing a kiss on her forehead before I let go of her to pack her things away.

"George, what are you doing?" She asked, wiping her cheeks. "I need to redo my homework."

"I know." I nodded. "We're going down to the lake so you can get some air and do your homework without having to sit inside of this library."

I threw her bag over my shoulder before reaching for her hand, pulling her out of the seat.

"Do you know where Marco is?" I asked as we walked out of the library. "Maybe he needs some air too."

"I think he's at the owlery, writing William." She told me. "He said needed to be alone."

"Understandable." I nodded. "But how do you feel about that?"

She chuckled a little while wiping her cheeks and I couldn't help but smile at the angelic sound coming from her.

"You sound like a therapist." She breathed. "But it's fine. We can talk when we really need to but I've had my days of wanting to be alone so he deserves his too."

I hummed and laced our fingers together as we continued to walk towards our destination.

We agreed to go get out coats before we went down to the lake, but after getting dressed for the weather, we met and walked to the lake together where we sat down and got comfortable.

I sat with my back against the tree with Allie sitting between them, her back against my front as she pulled out her textbook and her quill along with another bottle of ink.

"You can place it here." I said, patting the ground next to my leg. "Should be stable enough."

Allie simply hummed and placed the ink bottle down before she got comfortable against me, bending her legs to have something to have her textbook against.

Her hair smelled fresh, it reminded me of the ocean. It was the shampoo she used. Supposedly it's supposed to smell like mermaids and ocean but I don't know what mermaids smell like so I'll stick with the ocean.

"What class is this?" I asked. "The homework... I mean."

Allie dipped her quill in the ink before she started to write.

"It's History of Magic." She told me. "We have to write about the Uprising of Elric the Eager. It's not supposed to be turned in until the end of the month, but it's the only thing that seemed to get my mind off—"

She sighed.

"Then I spilled the ink and I got way too sad about it."

"Well, you've got other shit going on in your life so it's okay if you got a little sad about the ink." I said, pulling the hair tie out of her hair before I brushed my fingers through it so I could braid it. "Do you want to know what day it is tomorrow?"

Allie hummed.

"What day is it tomorrow?"

"Our ten month anniversary since we had sex for the first time." I said, and Allie went quiet for a moment before she broke into a genuine laughter that came from deep down her stomach.

She leaned back against me, completely melting into my body and as she covered her face with a hand, she just continued to laugh for a good few minutes.

Meanwhile, I ran my fingers through the front of her hair, resting my cheek against her head.

"Fuck you're so cute." She said when the laughter died down. She turned her head slightly to look at me. "Don't ever leave me, alright?"

I smiled.

"I'd never."

This was a very short chapter, I know... but it was the silence before the storm.

Peace out.

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