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It was still Saturday, though it was nowhere near dinner time. I was standing on the stone bridge on the first-floor level. It was the bridge that connected the first-floor corridor with the tapestry corridor in the viaduct entrance.

I didn't come up here much. I didn't have anything to do in the tapestry corridor so I really had no reason to cross the bridge, but I was bored today so I went up here and the view is actually really beautiful.

There's a long way down. You'd die if you jumped. Not that I was gonna jump. I'm not suicidal. I'm happy with my life and I'm happy about myself. I love myself and I have Marco, Cedric and my brother to thank for that.

Also my mum. She's always raised me to love myself, to be proud of who I am, even if I end up with a job that doesn't pay much, even if I grow up to have money problems. Just because you don't have the same privileges as other, doesn't mean you're worth less.

You could say it's easy to say when you do have money, because I did grow up in a rich family where I was able to get everything I wanted because we could afford it, but while my dad loves spoiling his children, my mum wants us to work for stuff. She's never given us anything we didn't deserve or work hard to get.

Apart from food and clothes of course. Things we needed. My mum's also raised me to not take shit from guys, like I've already mentioned. That's why I didn't shut up when Cameron insulted me or decided to drag me down. I defended myself and now I was done with him.

The fucking prick hit me after he tried undressing me without my consent.

Sick fuck.

"Can I ask you a question?"

I jumped at the sudden voice from behind me, but without turning around, I knew who it was. I took a deep breath as I calmed my body down, and then I let out a small chuckle.

"Hi George."

He moved to my side and rested an arm on top of the edge, his body turned to me. When I looked at him, our eyes met and I automatically smiled when I saw the heartwarming smile on his face.

"Oh look, you're young again." I said, making him laugh.

"How'd you know it was me?"

"Because I know your voice." I told him, closing one eye due to the sharpness of the sun on the other side of the bridge.

"And you can tell my voice apart from Fred's?"

I nodded.

"Yours is deeper." I said, my smile fading but never going away completely. I looked back out at the view, though I could see that George kept watching my side profile.

"Is that good or bad?"

"Definitely not bad." I chuckled. I loved deep voices. It was a big turn-on in guys and if a guy had a deep voice, I could sit and hear him talk all day.

Why is George interested in whether or not I think his voice is good or bad?

George cleared his throat, causing me to glance at him for a short moment.

"About that question—"

I turned towards him, placing a hand on my hip while the other rested on the edge just like his.


"You call your friend Marco." He started. "Is that his name? Because I've heard him being called Marcus too. I'm confused."

Why is he so adorable?

I laughed softly as I pushed a lock of my hair behind my ear. I noticed that George blushed slightly at my words while avoiding my eyes.

Us ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now