One-hundred and thirty

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Everyone now knew that George had dumped me for my sister.

I noticed the way people stared when I walked down the corridor. How they whispered about what had happened.

Though I kept my head high and acted like I wasn't hurting on the inside.

Marco and I were on our way to detention and I could feel my heart in my throat over the thought of having to sit in the same room as George.

My arm was intertwined with Marco's as we walked and he was filling me in on a package he received from Will during lunch.

William had sent him both the sketches he had drawn along with me and Marco's favourite sweets for us to share.

Marco had shown me the sketches and it's a pretty nice and big flat that William can afford to pay alone until Marco graduates and gets a job.

It I'll be living there, I should be able to afford the rent too with working in journalism like I want to do.

"Did you tell Will about what happened?" I asked Marco who then looked at me. "Because I don't want him to know. You know how he reacts."

"I wasn't planning on telling him without your permission." He told me. "So I won't if that's not what you want."

"Thanks." I muttered, chewing on the inside of my cheek as we made our way up the stairs towards the DADA classroom.

We stopped outside and Marco looked at me to see if I was ready. When I nodded, he pushed open the door and we entered, the conversation inside dropping.

Fred, Lee and George sat at each their table but now all looked at us. While Fred and Lee looked at me in pity, George laughed as he eyed me up and down.

This isn't him.

"You look ridiculous."

Marco immediately lunged forward but I grabbed his arm to keep him back while Fred leaned forwards and hit his brother in the head.

"Shut up." He told him. "She looks great."

"She looks fucking beautiful." Marco said through gritted teeth, staring at George who was rolling his eyes.

It hurt to see him look at me like that and act towards me in that way.

I went from being the person he loves, to the person he hates, and I know it's because of Carrington but I have absolutely no idea what she did to him.

While Marco took a seat at a table, I stared at George before deciding something. I went straight to George's table, walked around it and leaned down to be at his eye level.

He looked at me and cocked an eyebrow, a bored expression on his face.

"You're so—"

"I'm so what?!" I snapped. "Fat? Disgusting? Or is the word you're looking for... pathetic? George, this isn't you."

He scoffed in response and went to push my arm off the table, though I grabbed his hand harshly, then pulled out my knife and stabbed the table, right next to where his hand was.

I left the knife in the table as I looked at George's frightened reaction.

I had to hurry this up before Umbridge got here.

"Do you remember the boathouse?" I asked. "The first time we kissed? We got tricked by Fred and Lee. You were already there with Fred, and Lee led me down to the boathouse through the secret passage. Then they locked us in when we were alone and neither of us had our wands because you gave yours to Fred and Lee stole mine."

Us ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now