One-hundred and twenty-nine

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"C'mon, Allie. You have to get out of bed."

Marco tugged at my duvet but I kept my grip on it, keeping it around my body.


"No." I muttered into my pillow. "I don't want to."

"Allie." He sighed before he crouched by the head of my bed, running his fingers into my hair. "I know you're feeling like shit. I know exactly what it feels like and I remember wanting to just stay in bed. I did stay in bed for every single meal, but Allie... listen to me. You need to get up and you need to get some breakfast, then move on with your dad. Don't show Carrington that she won. Don't show her that she got to you."

He poked my nose but instead of reacting like I usually would, I turned onto my other side and pulled the duvet over my head.

"Allie, please." He begged. "I've already gotten your uniform ready. You just need to get dressed and then we can go eat. You've got History of Magic after breakfast. You like History of Magic."

"I've got transfiguration today." I said in a whisper. "I can't sit in the same class as him."

Marco walked to the other side of my bed and slapped my cheek, making me look up at him in confusion.

"What?" He shrugged. "I once promised you that if you ever got depressed, I'd slap you. I kept my promise. Now get up."


"Get. Up." He said through gritted teeth. "You've got one hour of History of Magic and then we have appirition together."

He managed to pull the duvet from my body and grabbed my hands, pulling me up in a sitting position.

"Please." I sobbed softly while Marco grabbed my legs and moved them over the edge of the bed. "I can't get up and act like nothing happened yesterday."

"Yes you can." He nodded and got down in level with my eyes, taking my face in it. "And you know why? Because you... are Alliandra Ruby Emmalyn Silverberry. If anyone can put on an act and sit at breakfast, it's you. You don't even have to put on an act. As long as you get out of bed. Show them that you are not broken."

"But I—"

"You are not broken." He told me. "You're gonna be okay again... I promise you."

"But she... she's given him something and the library didn't have the book so I don't know what she gave him. What am I supposed to do? George is..."

"I know." He said softly, cupping my face. "C'mon. Let's get you dressed, yeah? Timmy has said you can dye his hair like you've always wanted to do."

I have always wanted to do that.

He always said no and we'd bicker about it. I've always loved Timothy's blue hair so yeah... getting to dye it could possibly help me feel distracted.

Though right now I didn't feel like I had any energy to dye his hair. All I wanted to do was sleep but Marco was being stubborn and forced me out of bed.

Marco helped me get into my uniform, knowing I was too tired to do even that myself. It didn't matter that he saw me in my underwear. We had been best friends for years, he was engaged and I'm in a—

Not anymore.

"Allie, what's this?" Marco asked, making me look at myself in the mirror as he ran his fingers over a bruise on my upper arm.

"What did you give him?!" I yelled and followed after them again but as I went to grab Carrington's arm to get her to look at me, George let go of her, turned to me and instead grabbed my arm.

Us ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now