One-hundred and twenty-three

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I was the last one in my dormitory like usual, getting dressed in my own pace. Currently I was only in a pair of knickers, going through my dresser to find the matching bra.

I had this weird thing about needing my underwear to match. If it didn't, I couldn't wear it because it would be everything I thought about all day.

It's like William and his sheets. If there is just as much as a crumb on his sheets, he freaks out.

Marco was probably waiting for me down in the common room so I had to hurry up. After breakfast, I had an hour of History of Magic, then appirition, ancient runes and then after lunch I had transfiguration, arithmancy and defence against the dark arts before I had detention with Umbridge.

My only break today was lunch, meaning that I in total had to go through six long hours. Luckily—

My thought were interrupted at the door that barged open and automatically, I quickly grabbed my robes on the dresser and covered myself up before looking towards the door.

"Fred!" I yelled, seeing my boyfriend's twin brother stand there, staring at me. When he didn't move or look away, I raised my eyebrows.

"Oh." He muttered, clamping a hand over his eyes. "I didn't see anything. Not even your pretty naked boobs."

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed and grabbed a book from my dresser, throwing it at him, but then I noticed the bulge in his trousers and I mentally threw up.

"Right! I should probably leave!" He announced, slowly backing out of the room, one hand covering his eyes and the other closing the door.


After getting dressed and putting on my glasses, I marched out of my room, feeling the anger rise the closer I got to the stairs.

I could George and Fred fight audibly but when I walked down the stairs, both stopped to look at me.

Fred was sitting on the sofa, hugging a pillow to hide the issue in his pants.

"Mate, what the fuck?!" I yelled at him. "Why do you keep barging into my room when I'm changing?!"

"How was I supposed to know you were changing?!" He yelled back. "I thought you were sleeping and I wanted to annoy you but then you were standing there with absolutely no clothes on but your knickers!"

I covered my face in embarrassment, hearing Marco and Lee laugh as they stood next to each other, leaning against the table.

I looked at Fred again.

"When you think about it... it's not even my fault." He said.

"Oh really?!" I laughed. "You need to learn how to knock!"

"Maybe you need to lock a door!"

"Why would I lock the door?! I'm not exactly expecting a guy from Gryffindor to barge in at six in the morning, seeing me stand there almost completely naked!"

George was standing with his arms folded over his chest, staring angrily at Fred.

"And you even—" i gagged, shaking my head at the thought.

"Hey! That is not my fault!" Fred yelled. "It's not my fault that Thor can't contain himself when he sees a female body... and your body is gorgeous by the way so it kinda makes sense."

"Stop talking!" I yelled while George made a face at his brother.


"You named your penis?" Marco asked.

Us ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now