One-hundred and twenty-four

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Mention of self-harm

It had been a long day full of classes and dread when it came to todays detention. My hand didn't even get to start healing before I had another round of pure torture. Writing lines hurt like hell and it was the worst part of my day. Honestly, the only thing I looked forward to right now was when I had done my week of detention and it was over with.

Currently, my uncle was dismissing everyone who participated in the apparition course, while dad was looking in some type of folder, a concentrated expression on his face.

"I can't wait to get to the common room and just relax." Marco let out a breath and looked at me. "You've got ancient runes now, don't you?"

I nodded.

"Yeah, I–"

"Allie!" my uncle called, earning my attention. "I need you to stay behind so I can have a quick word."

I gave him a small before I turned to Marco.

"Go get some sleep." I said, knowing he was struggling with falling asleep at night. We both struggled with it currently. We missed Cedric incredibly much and at night, the grief kind got worse.

During the night, there was distractions but at night you're alone with your thoughts and thoughts cause emotions while emotions cause actions. I know for a fact that's true.

My brother suffers from depression and it once was so bad that he'd cause harm to himself to feel something or to move the mental pain to something physical. I found out shortly after he started dating Marco.

At the start of their relationship, I wasn't too fond of them being together, but once I saw how much they loved and help each other, I accepted and supported it. Marco is an important tool in William's recovery from depression and self-harm, and William is a big tool in the anxiety Marco had a lot of before they were together. I'm glad they have each other.

It's the same with George and I. We've both come far from before we started dating. I know I help him with his insecurities. He's always thought he was less than Fred and he never understood how people found Fred more attractive when they have the same face, so he always figured there was something wrong in his personality. He still gets insecure at times but he's not driven by it anymore. He told me I helped him with that.

He's helped me too.

I was in an abusive relationship that honestly left me questioning myself. I felt pathetic and though I acted like I didn't care, I really hated my body because Cameron had spend majority of our relationship, pointing out my weight or the food I chose to put in my body.

Then I started dating George and he's showed me nothing but love. He's shown me that he's just as in love with my body as he is in me as a person and I love myself a lot more now that I'm with him.

He's the only person whose opinion I truly care about now. Well, my friends too of course but George's opinion is important to me in a way that he helped me be comfortable, so hearing him shame me for my body would break me. But I know he'd never do that and that's one of the many reasons I'm so in love with him.

"I'll see you later." I told Marco who gave me a sideways hug before he left the Great Hall at the same time as I approached my uncle who looked at me with his hands on his hips. "What's up?"

"Your hand." he said, nodding towards my hand that was wrapped with gaze from the detention yesterday. "What happened there?"

"Oh." I looked down at my hand as I grabbed it with my other. "Nothing. Just a stupid burn."

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