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I think I'm a fucking lightweight.

My mum bought me a breezer which has the same percent of alcohol as in a regular beer and every time I drink just one, I start to feel tipsy.

Thank god I'm only drinking one.

Anyway, now you know... I wrote this while drinking.



Today was the day.

In few hours, most of us were leaving to attend Cedric's funeral, and I was worried about Allie. Currently she was lying on top of me, head on my chest and my arms wrapped tightly around her body.

12 Grimmauld Place wasn't very cheerful today.

Marco had locked himself into one of the bathrooms and William had spend hours on trying to convince him to open up. He didn't want to open the door with magic because he believes Marco should be the one to let him in.

He told me that when I walked past on my way to see Allie.

I ran my hand through her hair repeatedly, singing for her like I had promised. She liked my voice and has asked me to sing the same song again.

'Just the two of us' by Grover Washington and Bill Withers.

She likes the song and seeing as I know the lyrics, I didn't mind, especially not if it could do anything to cheer her up just a little.

"George?" her voice was soft and fragile. She had waited until the moment I finished the song.

"Yes, darling?"

"You uh– who did you..." she let out a sigh. " told my mum you've had unprotected sex before me. Who was the– I mean, who did you do it with? Have sex... you know."

A small smile crept onto my face as I looked down at her to try and get a glimpse of her face expression but she had completely hidden her face in my chest.

"You caught that, did you?" I chuckled. "Why're you asking? Does the thought bother you?"

"No." she muttered, but being the shit liar that she is, I knew that the thought bothered her. "I'm just curious."

"Just curious, eh?" I asked, running my hand down her back. "I think you're jealous."

"Shut up." she muttered as she nuzzled her cheek against my chest, trying to get more comfortable. "I'm not jealous. There's no reason to be jealous. You're with me now."

I chuckled, scratching her back in a calming manner. When I felt her relax a bit more, I knew it helped with her nerves. She let out a hum of approval and I noticed that she closed her eyes.

Why is she so adorable?

"Maybe I'm a little bit jealous." she whispered before clearing her throat. "I don't like the idea of someone else seeing you naked, but I know it's none of my business and I'm just happy you chose me to be your girlfriend."

She lifted her head a little to kiss under my jaw before getting comfortable again. I kept scratching her back, my other arm staying wrapped around her body.

"You really want to know it, don't you?" I asked. "The people I've slept with?"

She hummed against the fabric of my shirt.

"Only if you want to."

If it helps you relax about it.

"My first time was with Alicia." I told her. "So was my second, my third and my fourth time."

Us ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now