One-hundred and two

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I was totally vibing to Danish rap and pop while writing this lmao

Who needs sleep? Not me.

It's 6:30 in the morning but childhood trauma is keeping me awake along with the fear of having a nightmare for the third night in a row.


Mature content

George was waiting by the door that connected the Great Hall to the Entrance hall. His eyes were focused on me in such an intense stare that it made me nervous.

In the good way.

Marco was talking to me, going on and on about how unfair it is that I get to have sex this school year when he doesn't because his boyfriend has graduated and can't "fuck" him like he put it.

"I'll have to borrow Allie for a while." George said as we reached him.

He reached for my hand, lacing our fingers together and I gulped when he gave my hand a squeeze, sending me a tight smile.

"What? No!" Marco scoffed. "No because it's our job to lead the first year Ravenclaws to the common room and show the their dormitories and I do not want to be left alone with those slimy little rats."

"Marco, they're eleven." I said. "I think they stopped being slimy a while ago."

"But— b-but how am I supposed to talk to them?" He asked before motioning towards the first-year Ravenclaws who had been asked to wait out in the entrance hall, until their head boy and girl came to get them.

All the other first years had been picked up and now it was just the ones from our house.

"I mean, look at them!" He exclaimed. "They're fucking tiny. How do I communicate."

"Mate, just talk." George said. "They're not toddlers. Speak to them like you'd speak to us."

"No!" I exclaimed. "He should most definitely not do that."

I looked at Marco.

"Just tell them to follow you and when you get to the common room, you find the list with their assigned dormitory, hangs in the door like usual... they'll go to bed and you can do the same thing."

He let out a grown and flipped us off while backing off towards the lost Ravenclaws.

"You fucking owe me, Alliandra Silverberry."

"Seriously, Marcus?"

He already knew my name, but now that our entire friend group did too, he just had to mess with me.

George laughed at my reaction while Marco winked at me, spinning around before greeting the first years.

"I am so gonna have you begging for my forgiveness." George said quietly through a fake smile. I looked up at him as he let go of my hand and instead wrapped his arm around my waist, keeping me against his body.

"I'd like to see you try." I scoffed. George laughed in a scary way that caused me to frown. It was in a stressed way that told me I was really testing him right now.


"Come." He said in a whisper, his hand finding mine again.

He started dragging me through the crowd of students that were on their way to their common rooms.

We made our way up the moving staircase but incase of following the Gryffindors up or the Slytherins down, George pushed open the door to the first floor corridor, dragging me with him.

Us ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now