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Malfoy let go of my wrist with a scoff, and I sent him a friendly smile as I pocketed my knife. Then I turned my attention back on Parkinson.

"It's not my problem." I told her. "And do you know why it's not? Because I then seventeen soon, meaning I'll be of age. I'll be allowed to move out, stay with my mum if that's what I want to. But you— you're still fourteen, turning fifteen I suppose? Two more years and you'll be stuck wherever your parents want you to be. That makes it your problem, so instead of running around to try and make other people fix your issues, put on those big-girl pants of yours and do it yourself."

I took a step back and sent the three a smile and as I was about to turn around and leave, Parkinson spoke again.

"Either you—"

"Did I stutter?" I cut her off and looked at her. "Tell me— did I fucking stutter? No? Then why are you still going on about it?"

Parkinson took a step towards me as he expression changed. She was trying to be scary. Looks like someone found their big-girl pants.

"Either you talk to your dad, or I will talk to him during the summer when my mum and I are moving in." She said. "I'll tell him his oldest daughter is a weak and pathetic girl who can't stand up for herself when her boyfriend abuses her."

How did she—

"You may have stood up for yourself in the end, but took a while, don't you think?" She asked, and when she was my confused face, a grin spread on her face. "Yeah, that's right. Draco, tell her what we know."

"I don't take orders from you." Malfoy said with a scoff and rolled his eyes before he walked up the marble staircase and turned to walk down into the dungeons.

"That was embarrassing." I snickered and looked at Parkinson. "On your part."

Zabini followed Malfoy, leaving me with this pathetic fourteen-year-old.

"I'll just tell you myself." She shrugged, folding her arms over her chest. "Cameron told me everything. From how he had to use force to get you in your place, though that didn't work because you never learn your place. And the audacity you had to cheat on my cousin. I'll tell your father just how slutty and pathetic—"

Excuse me, what?

"Woah!" I held up a hand. "Rewind please. Your cousin? Cameron's a half-blood."

"Is that what he told you?" She laughed before shaking her head. "No— he's a Pureblood. His mum was a Parkinson before she married Ironwood."

Cameron's a Parkinson? Well, technically a Parkinson. That means his family is one of the sacred twenty-eight, meaning that he's related to George far back on the family tree.

Oh shit.

"He's been reporting back to me throughout your entire relationship." Parkinson told me. "As if he'd ever want you. You're a Silverberry."

I scoffed at her. I didn't feel hurt by it. I was more angry than hurt. I didn't love Cameron. It was impossible to fall in love with him.

"Is that why you did it?" I asked. "Making your cousin go out with a Silverberry because you simply despise us?"

"To despise you is an understatement." She raised an eyebrow at me. "You Silverberry's aren't even pure all the way back through your lineage. Why should you get to be one of the most powerful families in the Wizarding world? Why should you be the most respected?"

I shrugged and folded my arms over my chest.

"Maybe because my family earned the respect." I said. "By being kind to people, y'know? This is pathetic, Parkinson — even for you. I'm done with this conversation."

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