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Tell me again why I chose to have Arithmancy on my timetable? I've grown to hate the class and I don't even have any friends in it. I just sit there and listen to Professor Vector teach us how to write numbers as sentences.

Right now, I was just happy that it was over. I had to meet George on the Stonebridge after I've been up to my dorm with my books and my quill. I had a free lesson and I didn't believe that George even had class today.

When I reached the Ravenclaw common room, I sighed when I saw Cameron on the sofa. Well, guess my break has ended. I stood by the door for a moment. Cameron looked at me which caused me to hurry towards the stairs.

"Wait, Allie!" He called and I heard his steps as he followed me up to the first floor in the side of the girls dormitories. "I just want to talk!"

"Yeah." I scoffed. "The last time you just wanted to talk, you made my lip bleed!"

I hurried into my dorm, but when I pushed the door closed, he pressed his hand to it on the other side, pushing it open again.

"What is your problem?!" I raised my voice. "Leave me alone!

I tried to shut the door again but he pushed against it even harder.


He took a step into the room, but suddenly my twelve-year-old sister came running, placing herself between Cameron and I and looking up at him.

"Get. Lost." She said though gritted teeth. "Leave her alone."

Cameron looked down at her, then at me and then let out a laugh. Then he slowly bend down to be eye-to-eye with my sister and I placed my hands on her shoulders so I could be prepared if he did anything. I didn't trust him near me, or my sister.

"Why don't you move out of the way, sweetheart?" He asked with a sarcastic look. "Let the adults talk."

"Don't fucking talk to her like that!" I raised my voice at him as I pulled Eleanor back against me.

"You're sixteen." Eleanor told him with a judgemental look. "Not an adult."

Cameron went to grab Eleanor's arm to pull her away, but I moved her behind me and stepped forward.

"If you ever lay a hand on her, I will pull out your teeth, one by one, wrap them in a piece of your skin and force you to swallow them." I said in a whisper. "Then I'll poke out both of your eyes, slice them up real good, make a soup of them and feed them to all your little friends so if I were you, I would—"

I was interrupted when Will approached with fast steps, Marco slowly walking behind him. Will grabbed Cameron by the collar and pushed him against the wall before pushing him to the ground. He bent down over him, wrapping an arm around Cameron's throat.

"Did I just see you reach out for my twelve-year-old sister?" He asked in a cold and chilling tone. "Did you not get enough the last time? It's bad enough that you laid your hand on a girl, but not caring about hurting a child?"

"I didn't fucking touch her." Cameron spat while Marco came over to make sure that Eleanor was okay.

"No but you were about to!" William snapped before his voice lowered, so that it became cold and chilling again. "I hope you realise that you won't live to see your wedding day if you ever go near her again."

William let go of him and Cameron quickly let go of him, before making his way back downstairs and out of the common room.

When he was gone, Will came over and pulled Eleanor in for a hug while sending me a look to ask if I was okay.

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