One-hundred and fourteen

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"George Fabian Weasley!" my voice boomed through the common room after I said the password, but as soon as I entered, the Gryffindor Quidditch team broke into laughter at the sigh of me with pink hair.

I stopped and squinted my eyes before they went side when I realised what was going on.

"Oh alright." I folded my arms over my chest. "I see what's going on here. Well, it looks like your little prank misfired."

"Is that so?" George grinned. "Cause you look pretty pissed."

"Pissed?" I scoffed. "Nah... I uh– I've always wanted to dye my hair pink."

The Ravenclaw team once pulled a prank on the Gryffindor team and when they didn't get back at us, I thought they had forgotten it. Looks like I was wrong.

"You don't look like someone who wants her hair to be pink." Ron commented. I simply hummed and narrowed my eyes at him until he got scared and went to hide behind George as if he was gonna protect him if he made another comment.

"Payback is going to be sweet." I said through gritted teeth before I walked closer to the group of Gryffindor Quidditch players, leaning on the back of the sofa where Potter, Katie Bell and Angelina sat. "You lot might be brave but you're up against a bunch of Ravenclaw students here... who will win? Try and figure that one out."

"And who was dumb enough to take the frosting from George?" Angelina asked and looked up at me. "A Ravenclaw student."

I nodded.

"I gotta admit, he's smarter than that." I said and ran my tongue along my cheek before I looked at George who was watching me with an amused expression, his arms folded over his chest while Ron was still hiding from me behind him.

I kept staring at George, sending him a look that caused his expression to drop and I then automatically started smiling but not in a sweet may. I smiled at him like I was planning his murder.

"George" I said, now running my tongue along my top teeth. "Staircase... now."

The group of Gryffindor students 'oooh'ed while George slowly followed me out of the common room. The portrait closed behind us and I made my way down the stairs while he followed.

"To my defence–"

"Quiet." I spoke, noticing how he gulped, his eyes glued to me.

"Yes ma'am."

When we reached the fifth floor, I pushed the door opened and led the way into the corridor.

"Babe, where're we going?"

Instead of answering, I simply glanced at him, then sped up to the end of the corridor, walking through the arched doorway before I turned towards the black pair of double doors.

"The prefects bathroom?"

"Pine fresh." I spoke, before the door unlocked, allowing me to opening it. I held the door open and looked at George with no expression. When he walked in, I closed the door behind him and locked it.

I walked over to the sink, looking at myself in the mirror.

"My hair looks like Umbridge's coat." I said. "Actually... it looks like all of her clothing."

George chuckled, walking behind me to watch me through the mirror while his hands came up to play with my pink locks.

"You're cute." he said, running his hand through my hair, starting from above my bangs. "Pink hair or not... you're still beautiful."

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You on the other hand..." I made a face. "Yikes."

He let out a laugh and raised his eyebrows in an impressed expression before he pressed himself closer to me, my pelvis being pressed to the sink while his hand flew up to grab my throat, and I watched as my pupils dilated dramatically within a second.

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