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I leaned against the doorway to the library where mum was scanning the books while talking to my father's oldest son.


"One second, darling." my mum smiled at me before turning to Grayson. "I think that's a great idea, love. Pull them aside later and talk to them about it."

"Will do, ma'am." Grayson nodded before he turned and sent me a friendly smile before leaving the library. I stepped inside, closing the door behind me before approaching my mum while fidgeting with the rings on my fingers.

"What's the matter, Allie?" mum asked. "I haven't seen you look this sorrowful since you broke your brother's leg."

Good times...

"I need to tell you something and I don't know how you'll take it."

Mum's expression changed from being happy to being worried and when she motioned towards the sofa, we both walked over to sit down.

"You alright, darling?" She asked. "Is this about what happened at school? I've been wondering when you were wanting to talk about it but I didn't want to pressure you."

"No, it's not—" I shook my head. "I don't need to talk about that. I'm fine when it comes to—"

I want to be okay but I'm afraid I won't be if I start talking about it.

"...I'm pretty sure Cameron stole my things at one point." I said. "I didn't say anything to dad because you know he has a temper and I'm quite scared of his anger but uh— I should've probably talked to you earlier but... I don't know why I didn't and—"

"Allie." Mum called, reaching for my hands. "Darling, calm down. Take a deep breath and tell me what he stole."

One of the things that always makes it so easy to talk to my mum is that she's always calm and supportive. She rarely gets angry. She does get angry if anyone messes with her family, but she never yells at her children.

The way she disciplined was telling us if our bad behaviour disappointed her but while my dad yelled, she never did because she doesn't want her children to grow up and be scared to talk to her.

"I found out that my jewellery was gone. You know, all the ones that dad had bought me through the years." I said. "And I just remember him asking me last summer how much one of them was. I trusted him so I didn't think he'd steal them but my savings are gone too and I gave him the combination to the safe. No one else knew it."

Mum didn't react at first. She held my hands, comfortably rubbing them while listening to me.

"He had the combination?"

"I know it was idiotic of me." I said. "I'll admit that and I know it's partly my fault that the things are gone but—"

"No, honey." Mum shook her head before she sighed. "I wish I had done more than just throw that boy across the room. Listen to me, Allie. If he stole your things, that's not on you. Some people can be very manipulative in a relationship, they make you trust them and then they screw you over. That's what Cameron did and you don't need to put that blame on yourself. You are not responsible of other people's actions."

I took a deep breath, closing my eyes when I felt them start to sting. Mum noticed and wrapped an arm around me, pulling me into an embrace.

"I'll talk to your father." She told me, brushing a hand over my hair. "I'm not having him yell at you for this, yeah? He and I will figure it out. About your jewellery but mainly your savings."

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