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"How could you not tell me this?!" George exclaimed as he walked me to my class. "We've been dating for almost four months!"

"I didn't think it was relevant!"

"Relevant? That you've been crushing on my brother?! No— no of course not." He proceeded to say. "And Percy out of them all? I introduced you to him for Merlin's sake! Babe, I've got an army of siblings and Percy is the one you had a crush on? Why not Bill? Even Fred, but Percy?"

We had been bickering like this ever since we left the library. I had forced him to study with me which he didn't seem too happy about.

He did seem more annoyed with the fact that it was Percy, than the fact that I had been crushing on one of his brothers.

"I've only ever met Bill once." I used as my argument. "After you saved my ass, remember? And if I have to be honest, I found Fred annoying before our sixth year. Don't tell him I said that though."

"Then Charlie. I would even be okay with Charlie! We've attended school with him. You knew who he were—"

Did I?

"Oh, right." I nodded. "I barely remember him though, but he's quite attractive. Especially with that whole dragon thing and he was only hotter when I met him back at the World Cup."

"Seriously? Charlie too? So I'm what— your third choice?" He asked, sounding all offended. I laughed and intertwined my arm with his.

"You know you're my first choice, my love." I smiled. "That was just two harmless crushes. Almost like a celebrity crush, y'know? I was dating Cameron but had a crush on Percy. He knew about it. Though of course every time we mentioned it, he either ate me out or had me suck him off."

George stopped walking and looked at me through worried eyes, a frown stuck on his face.


"Had you suck him off?" He asked. "That doesn't sound very consensual."

I chuckled, tilting my head as I smiled at him. I untangled my arm from his and instead reached for his hand.

"It was consensual, don't worry. I said yes."

"Yeah?" He asked. "Did you say yes right away or did he have to convince you first?"

"George, wha—" I sighed. "Alright, when did this become about me and Cameron?"

"When you used the words: had me suck him off. It really doesn't sound consensual, Allie." He said and folded his arms over his chest. "Tell me how it went."

I let out a laugh and mimicked his actions, folding my arms over my chest.

"You want me to tell you about giving Cameron a blow— I stopped talking when a group of first-year students walked past us, but once they were out of ear reach, I looked up at George again. "... a blowjob. That's a really weird request."

"Babe." He sighed and reached for my hand, tugging me towards him. "Angel... I just want to make sure that he didn't force you to do anything that made you uncomfortable."

I wrapped my arms around his back as he wrapped one arm around my shoulders and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"But Percy?" He then asked, making me laugh against his chest. "He's the less fun. The one we all make fun of all the time."

"Which is mean!" I said and looked up at him. "He's your brother. Your older brother. You need to have some respect for him."

"Oh yeah?" He questioned, wrapping his arm around my shoulders as we continued towards the greenhouses where I had class in like ten minutes. "Alright, you can't tell anyone what I'm about to say. Especially not Percy."


"I uh— I love Percy. He is my brother, but—"

"There is was." I laughed. "Georgie you can't say you love someone and then say; but. That's not how it works. You love him, end of story."

George hummed in response, kissing my temple.

"My mum is going to absolutely love you once she gets the chance to officially meet you." He said. "I can't wait for that."

George and I had already made a plan to meet each other's families. About a few into the summer holidays, he's gonna come and stay with me for a week and afterwards I'll go and stay with him for a week.

But right now we're in the middle of March and the summer holidays isn't until the end of June.

"So, you found Fred annoying, huh?" He asked. "But not me?"

"No, not you." I chuckled. "I don't know what it was, but once I got to know him I realised I was wrong. He's nice and he's fun to be around."

"But I'm way more fun, right?"

I chuckled and ran my hand up his chest, patting it gently.

"You're way more fun." I confirmed, smiling softly. "And way more handsome too."

"I know right?" He let out a small giggle which made my heart melt.

"Hey— how's it going with earning money for that shop?" I asked.

"It's tough." He shrugged. "We've earned about a hundred and fifty galleons but we still need like— at least six hundred."

I hummed, a small smile spreading on my lips, though George quickly saw it and shook his head.

"I am not gonna accept any money from you." He said. "I won't accept it. I'm not with you for your money and that's what it's gonna look like."

"No one's going to think that!" I argued. "And so what if they do? I don't and that's what matters."

"I'm not taking money from you." He said again, looking ahead as we approached the greenhouses where Fred was waiting outside.

I am so finding a way to give them the money.

"That took a while." Fred sighed once we reached him. "What— did you stop by a cupboard to shag before you're separated for two hours?"

He gasped dramatically and I flicked him off while George decided to ignore him and turn to me instead.

"I'll see you later." He said and cupped my jaw, leaning down to kiss me softly.

"Bye." I grinned, running my hand through his hair to mess it up which caused him to sigh. He flipped me off while fixing his hair as he backed up towards the castle. I repaid his action, flipping him off too before I turned around to face Fred. "Ready for two hours with digging in the dirt? 'Cause I'm not."

"What did you say to George?" He smiled. "He had that stubborn look. The same look he has whenever I suggest a new prank that he thinks is too far."

Fred made quotation marks with his fingers while rolling his eyes.

"I offered to help you two with money for the shop." I said. "But George refuses to take it."

"Money?" Fred asked, pushing himself off the wall to the greenhouse. "Like— how much are we talking about?"

I chuckled at his reaction. He tilted his head and placed his hands on his hips while looking down at me.

"Well, George mentioned you're still in need for six hundred galleons so I'm thinking — six hundred galleons."

Fred nodded slowly before he sighed and wrapped his arm around my neck as we walked inside of the greenhouses.

"I hate my twin sometimes." He sighed. "My more unattractive twin."

Fred gave me a side look.

"But if you happened to need someone to hold onto your money for you know— just a little while, I'm your guy."

Us ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now