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I decided to skip the whole thing with confronting Cameron. I was honestly just so done with him, so when William and I got back to Hogwarts, I spent some time studying before meeting George in the upper hall on the fifth floor at five o'clock.

He looked way too hot when I saw him. I inhaled sharply, letting my eyes trace over his figure.

He was wearing the uniform trousers and his dress shirt which was tucked in and then his tie. That was it. The sleeves of his dress shirt were folded up to his elbow and the way he stood, leaned back against the newel on the staircase, his legs slightly spread and his hands folded between them. He was tall and his shoulders were broad, yet not too broad.

How he always managed to basically make me drool over him, is truly a wonder.

"Good afternoon, lover boy." I grinned playfully, slowly making my way closer to him.

"Afternoon, angel." He said in the same playful tone. "You look beautiful."

"And you look—" I inhaled sharply again as he reached for my hand and pulled me close. " Why're you wearing your uniform? It's the holidays."

"I like the look of it." He told me honestly. "It looks more formal."

His face then changed from a smile to a frown as he looked down at himself. "Do you actually thing I look good or was it something you just said? Because I can change. I can—"

I ran a hand up to the side of his neck, making him look at me as he stopped speaking. He pressed his lips together, and I sent him a reassuring smile.

"You could wear a garbage bag and you'd look amazing."

Why is it that people who put themselves down, hate when other people do it? George and I are both that way. I know I said I wasn't insecure about myself, but I guess we all do get a little insecure sometimes and something I've learned about George, is that behind that fun act he has put up, he's really soft and doubts himself.

Just say it.

"I uh—" I started, trying to find a way to tell him. I knew he loved me. There's no way he was simply going to tell me he loved chocolate, when we were on a date. And I loved him too so who cares that we've only been together for twenty-six days when we've liked each other for longer? "I love you."

George's eyes flicked from my lips to my eyes. His eyebrows raised and his lips parted, almost as if in shock. Then he sighed and shook his head.

"No you don't."


"I love you." I repeated, wrapping my arms around his neck. He placed his hands on my hips, shaking his head again.

"You don't."

"I love you."

He started backing me up against the wall, his eyes staring down at my face, but avoiding my eyes.

"You can't."

"I love you."


"I love you." I said, my back coming in contact with the wall. George immediately crashed his lips against mine, kissing me like he hadn't seen me in ten years, and I happily kissed him back, just as eager.

Our tongues met but it was only light touches, nothing too much. We always mostly focused on our lips. That was something else I had learned. We both preferred a little use of tongue instead of using just the tongues.

We were very similar in many ways but also very different in others.

George's hands found their way around my back and slid down to cup my ass. One stayed there while the other continued down to the back of my thigh, lifting my leg up to wrap around his waist.

Heat was rising between us, the kissing turning the both of us on. I really did love him and I know he didn't believe me because he was insecure.

I was gonna use a lot of time on showing him how amazing he is.

George thrusted his hips against mine, making me groan into his mouth as his centre came in contact with mine.

He then broke the kiss, both of us panting as he placed his forehead against mine.

"I love you too." He breathed. "I've loved you for a while."

I smiled and leaned up to kiss him, but just as our lips brushed each other, I heard a sound that made me break away, quickly putting my leg down as I realised we were standing in a hall.

George turned around when he saw my reaction to the person sitting on the stairs, and he couldn't help but laugh.

Marco was sitting there, watching us like the pervert he is while eating out of a pixie puffs cereal box from Honeydukes.

"Oh don't mind me." He said with a shrug. "I'm just enjoying the show. Carry one."

George looked to me with his eyebrows raised as if I was supposed to have some kind of explanation for my best friend who by the way was a big pervert.

"How long have you been sitting there?"

"Uh— when did you start making out?" He asked back, causing me to roll my eyes.

"So you've just been— sitting there?" George asked, placing his hands on his hips. "I'm sorry to ask but uh... don't you have a life?"

I quickly clamped a hand over my mouth, trying not to laugh at the offended scoff that Marco let out as he stood up.

"You do not want to challenge me, number five." He said. "I can be very scary if you piss me off."

"I'd like to see that." George said. "You've been sitting on a staircase for the last five minutes, eating yellow pixie puff from Honeydukes. Doesn't get any scarier than that."

There was a moment of silence where Marco just stared at George like he was offended, the cereal box in his hand and his eyes narrowed. At the same time, George looked at Marco with his hands on his hips, his eyebrows raised an a faint smile on his face that showed how amused he was.

"Are we about to fight?" Marco then proceeded to ask, causing me to laugh against my hand as I leaned back against the wall.

"No we're not."

"No, because you can't handle me." Marco said, pointing at George before he dove into the box and grabbed some more cereal. "I'm a beater. I've got muscles."

"So am I." George chuckled softly. I kept looking between them, and I realised they were equally tall.

I mean, I know that Marco is six foot three and George is the same but I've never thought about it.

"Allie." Marco turned towards me and pouted. "I don't like your boyfriend. He's mean."

My eyes followed Marco as he made his way down the stairs to leave the hall.

"Aww." I pouted at my best friend. "Did Georgie hurt your feelings? Do you need your teddy bear? Do you need little mr penguin to cheer you up?"

"You know what?!" Marco raised his voice, making me laugh as he flicked me off. "Fuck you, you skank! I hope you burn in hell with your new best friend, Satan!"

He walked out through the door, slamming it dramatically before I turned around to look at George. He looked taken back, like he had no idea what he had just witnessed.

"Loving me, is gonna be hard." I warned him with a smile. "Marco is included in this relationship. I hope you realise that."

George leaned against the wall on his shoulders, next to where I was leaning on my back.

"You're bringing one person to our relationship?" He asked. "Unfortunately I'm bringing two."

I'm in love with Allie and Marco's friendship. I'm so lame, because I started laughing while writing this chapter and I couldn't stop.

It might be because it's 3am and I'm tired.


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