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"What?" I asked as Marco had barged into my room, staring at me without saying anything. He was only wearing a pair of swim shorts and his body and hair was dripping with water.

He folded his arms over his chest, pushing the door closed with his foot before he slowly made his way towards the bed.

"Allie is getting frisky down at the pool with five."

I raised an eyebrow.

"Why do I need to know that?" I asked, watching him as he went to place a knee on the bed. "Marcus! Step away from the bed. You are dripping."

He did what I told him to and I myself got off the bed, picking up his towel from the floor before wrapping it around him.

"I'm not dating Davies." He told me softly, staring up at me. "I said that to make you jealous."

I hummed, letting go of him before taking a step back.

"I know."

"Exactly." He nodded. "You know me too well. We've been together for over a year so I think I deserve a better explanation than you doubting your sexuality. Especially now when you admitted that you are gay."

He reached out and hooked his fingers into the belt loops of my jeans, tugging me closer until our bodies were pressed against each other. I looked away, not daring to look at him.

"I know what this is about, William." Marco said. "I know you've been struggling with depression since you were a kid. You're trying to push me away because you don't think I would want to stay when I see you at your lowest."

I sighed, knowing he was right.

"I know what depression is like. Some days you can't get out of bed. You can't get yourself to shower, to eat or to use the toilet so you just lie there. That's the reality of it, but I don't fucking care, Will. I love you."

I gently shoved him, taking a step away at the same time. I turned away from him, rubbing under my nose with my fingers as I walked around the bed and towards the windows so I could close the curtains for the night.

"Maybe when you graduate." I said. "It won't work anyways. Long distance never works."

"Seriously?!" Marco raised his voice. "We were talking about getting married when I graduate, not getting bad together. You are taking me back right now, William or I swear to god I'm not leaving."

I looked at him as he got onto my bed, and I made a face at the fact that he was still dripping from being in the pool.

My sheets.

"I'm staying right here until you say the words." He told me as he looked ahead. He was sitting on the middle of the bed with no room for me to sleep.

"Marcus." I sighed. "Get off my bed."


"Get off... my bed." I said through gritted teeth, walking over to the edge of it. "Get off or I'll drag you off."

"Then drag me."

I looked at him for a moment before I grabbed his legs and started dragging him off the bed, though Marco started screaming as he grabbed onto the bed to pull himself back.

"Stop screaming!" I yelled. "Get off and stop acting like a fucking child!"

He kicked me right in the groin, sending me tumbling back until I landed on the floor, cupping my area while groaning in pain.

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