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"Yeah? You think you're better than me?"

"Oh, I know I'm better than you."

"Is that so?"


"Say that again. I dare you."

"Okay. I know I'm better than you."

"I'm gonna hit you."

"Then hit me."

I raised my hand, narrowing my eyes at Marco who was waiting for me to do it. A satisfied smirk spread on his face when I simply just held my hand in the air.

"Oh piss off." I scoffed and spun around on my heel, hearing his loud laughter behind me as I walked back to my own team. The one that lost.

We played Quidditch.

I was playing the beater on my team along with George. Will played Keeper, Timothy played seeker and Johnson, Spinnet and Bell played chasers.

On the opposite team we had Fred and Marco as beaters. Ron as keeper. He want to try out for the quidditch team next year as keeper so we asked him to join the birthday game. Potter as seeker and Davies, Cedric and Towler as chasers.

We didn't stand a chance.

I mean, with Potter, Fred, Marco and Cedric, we didn't stand a duck chance.

Though we had me — obviously. But we also had George, William and Johnson. We should totally have won.

"I'm in need of a new best friend." I said when I got back to the team I was on. "I'm holding auditions on Monday at four outside of the Ravenclaw common room."

"It's just quidditch." Timothy told me. "And it's not even an official game."

"It's just quidditch?" I scoffed. "Timothy Raymond Partridge. Quidditch is—"

"How do you know my middle name?" He asked with a frown as the rest of the team started making their way back, leaving only Timothy, William, George and I in this end of the pitch while Marco, Fred and Cedric waited for us at the other end.

Lee who had been commentating the game was making his way down from the stands to join them.

"I—" I cleared my throat. "How do you know your middle name?"

George bit back a laugh while Will raised an eyebrow, and Timothy just looked at me like I was stupid.

"That doesn't even make sense."

"You know what, Timothy? Stop being such a buzzkill! You're always so fucking grumpy. I mean, you're like thirteen minutes younger than Marco and yet you act way more mature!"

Timothy took a step closer to me and I took another step further towards him.

"Ooh, what are you gonna do?" I asked, staring up at him as he hovered over me. "You're so tall it makes you scary. Oooh look at me. Allie is shaking in her pants from fear."

"Why do you always have to be like this?" He asked. "Since you, me and Marco made the team in our second year, you've always been like this after losing a game? What's the matter, Allie? Can't handle rejection?"

I let out a laugh but I quickly stopped as I pressed my lips together.

"I can— no... no I can't." I bit my lip. "But that's besides the point because I'm not the one being a buzzkill! You've been grumpy thought the entire game and I am just trying to make sure that my boyfriend and his brother have a great birthday, you dumb prick."

Us ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now