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My mum was washing my hands. She had wetted a cloth and was washing off all of the blood. I had changed out of the white shirt and into one of George's jumper after madam Pomfrey checked to see if I had any internal injuries.

Turned out I had lost a lot of blood so I had to drink the blood-replenishing potion every hour until it had restored the amount I'd lost.

Mum had brought me food and she was pretty determined on having me eat every single bit of it.

My dad was here too, standing somewhere behind mum. William, George and Marco were on the other side of my hospital bed. George was sitting by the head of the bed, Marco was sitting on the edge of the bed, and William was standing up, trying to be discreet with looking at Marco.

William gave me back my camera. He found it on the floor in the dungeons where I had dropped it when Cameron attacked me from behind.

Suddenly I broke the silent air by breaking into laughter. All eyes landed on me as I laughed into my hand. I couldn't stop.

No one said anything as I laughed. No one tries to stop me and no one joined me. I mean, of course no one joined me. Today had been a horrible day and they didn't know what was going through my head.

"He kidnapped me!" I laughed. "But he only dragged me to a room about ten feet away and he didn't even lock the door!"

George and Marco exchanged a glance while mum sighed, looking back at dad who looked uncomfortable with my sudden laughter, and William was looking at Marco again, though looked away quickly when dad caught him.

"And he stabbed me with my own knife." I continued to laugh. "He told me he loves me and then he stabbed me."

My dad sighed loudly.

"William. Can I speak to you outside?"

William looked at him and hesitated before he nodded slowly, scratching the back of his neck as he followed dad out.

"Darling, why don't you call down for a moment?" Mum asked and ran a hand over my hair. "You need to finish eating."

I took a deep breath but small giggles continued to leave my mouth as I laid on the bed and stared up at the ceiling.

I sighed and pulled myself up to sit, taking the plate that mum handed me.

"I'm sorry for laughing." I muttered. "But it's pretty funny."

Then Marco snickered before breaking into laughter, and that caused me to laugh again. Our laughter mixed, filling the room while mum and George simply watched in confusion.

"That's funny!" Marco laughed. "He's the worst kidnapper to exist!"

"Right?!" I screamed with laughter, covering my face with my hands while Marco rested his forehead against the bed.

"I have no idea what's going on." George said as he played with the hem of the jumper that I was wearing.

"They've done this since they were kids." Mum said. "When they watched a film and someone got kidnapped or hurt, they laughed about it. When Marcus broke his leg the summer before year four, they laughed about it."

When the laughter died down, the room went quiet again and I picked up the slice of bread from the place, taking a bite. It had cheese on it. It was good.

Ced is gone.

I sighed. I had cried about it so much earlier. I just cried and cried on George's shoulder that I had ran out of tears. Now my heart simply aches every time I thought about my Hufflepuff friend.

"I need to pee." I announced. "I really need to pee."

"Then go pee." Marco yawned and ran a hand into his hair.

"I'm too lazy." I shrugged and looked at George who was studying my face. "We're still going through with our plans for the summer, right?"

He hummed, stroking the side of my thigh with his fingers.

"If you're up for it."

"Oh, I am." I nodded. I needed to not think about this day. I wanted to do anything to get it off my mind so spending a week with all of my friends in my room, was the perfect plan. Then afterwards I'd spend another week at the Burrow with George and his family.

"Can I come too?" Marco asked, rubbing his face. "I don't feel like going home."

"Of course." I nodded, taking another bite off my bread.

Mum grabbed the blanket I had kicked off my body a little while ago. She folded it multiple times and made sure to place it neatly at the end of the bed.

Then she walked to the end of it and offered me a soft smile.

"I'll go see if there is anything I can do for Amos." She told us. "He must be going through hell right now. I couldn't imagine if it was—"

She swallowed harshly, then shook her head and breathed heavily before turning to walk out of the hospital wing.

Today gave me scars. Physically scars on my side but also emotionally scars from Cedri—

I still can't say his name. I can't even think his name. I'm so close to throwing up about the thought of what happened.

"He sat next to me that whole time and made me watch the entire thing on a video." I said after thinking about it for a while. "But it wasn't even live. He knew exactly what had happened and yet he acted like he had no idea."


"He stabbed me. Twice. He also cut me because I'm fat." I said, my eyes tearing up. "Told me he cheated on me when he was with me. Told me he was with me because I have money and therefore I'd be the perfect woman for him if I just lost weight and became thin."

Marco climbed into the bed and I scooted to one side, closed to George while Marco went to sit next to me.

"You can tell people you thought a werewolf and won." He said with a shrug as he leaned back. "Or that your psychopath ex-boyfriend kidnapped you and stabbed you because he obsessed over something like body fat. It doesn't make sense and it doesn't even matter. He's just— sociopath."

"Battle scars." I nodded, giving a small enthusiastic cheer. "Yay."

I ran a hand over my face before handing my plate to Marco.

"What? Need me to eat it before your mum gets back so she won't be on your back about not eating it?"

"Yes please." I nodded and Marco hummed before taking a huge bite of the bread. I then looked at George and ran my hand through his orange locks. "How are you feeling?"

George frowned.

"How am I feeling?" He asked. "Babe. Don't worry about me. I'm just happy you're okay."

We're not all okay.

Ced is not.

"Oh fuck." I cursed and laid down, closing my eyes. "I'm so exhausted."

George rubbed his hand over my thigh, giving it a small squeeze. "Try and get some sleep then, yeah? You have about forty minutes before you have to take the next potion."

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