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"George." I whispered, kissing the skin under his jaw. He was sleeping very heavily with an arm wrapped around me and I just woke up after sleeping really good for the first time since what happened during the last task.

Maybe it was because George had cuddled me to sleep after reading to me first.

He was so gonna sing to me today. We have a guitar somewhere in this house so he can't get around it. I mean, if it makes him uncomfortable, he don't have to. I wouldn't pressure him to do anything that made him uncomfortable.

I pressed another kiss to George's jaw, deciding to let him sleep before I got out of bed. I glanced towards the living room. The door was almost completely closed. The right side was pulled open a little, only enough space for someone to squeeze though.

I made my way into my walk-in-closet, closing the door behind me. I got myself some clothes and continued out into my bathroom to take a shower and get changed.

After the shower, I dried my hair and got dressed before looking at myself in the body sized mirror that stood between the tub and the wall.

I wore a pair of plain black jeans and a white long sleeved shirt that I tucked in. Then a black belt and a pair of white socks. I brushed through my hair, letting it hang around my face like usual before walking back into the closet.

My eyes landed on the small box that laid on the middle of the counter. It was there yesterday too but I hadn't paid it much attention.

I walked over to it and saw a short message on top of it, saying it was from my dad — then I opened it.

It was a small silver bracelet with a small diamond hanging as a pendant. My dad has been doing this for years. He buys me jewellery that is either way too expensive or too heavy for me to wear casually.

I appreciate it. I really do, but I barely have room for more and it seem like this is the only way for him to show love.

With a sigh, I took the box and walked around to one of the drawers so I could put it away.

I placed the box on the island, then used both of my hands to pull open the drawer with the bracelets.

Though as I looked in the drawer, it was completely empty, the only things being left being the containers where the jewellery had been.

"What." I muttered to myself, frowning before I opened the next drawer which had my rings.

Again, it was empty.

I continued around the island, all the drawers being empty until I reached the drawer with the most expensive jewellery.

I was sweating due to how nervous I was, then slowly pulled it open and I felt my heart drop when that one was empty like the others.

My necklace to twelve thousand British pounds was gone and so was everything else.


I left the closet, accidentally waking up George as I rushed through the room and into the living room. I froze and saw the scene in front of me.

Lee and Fred had been cuddling up, making out on the sofa but jumped apart when I entered. Both sat up, faces horrified from being caught.

Marco wasn't here.

Though I didn't really care at this point.

I headed straight for a certain painting on the wall and took it down, revealing my secret safe in the wall.

Us ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now