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Disclaimer: Blood kink

Soon we won't be seeing so much of Cameron anymore.


"George!" I shrieked, jumping away as he used the water spell to throw water at me. "Babe, we've talked about this. You don't want to mess with me."

My boyfriend chuckled and crouched down to where I sat on the floor. He placed his hands against the wall on either side of my head, and while in a crouched position, he leaned closer, brushing his lips past mine but never really touching.

"Is that so?" He whispered. "What're you gonna do about it?"

I smiled cheekily and pulled my knife out of it's holder, slowly opening it while keeping eye contact with George, making sure he didn't see it.

My fist closed around the material of his jumper and then I pressed the knife to his throat, making sure it was the flat side so I didn't hurt him.

"Oh, you're gonna cut me?" He challenged, raising his eyebrows at me. He grabbed around my wrist, forcing the knife to press more against his skin. "Think that scares me, love? Go on. Cut me."

I gulped, watching the expression on his face. George's smirk slowly grew as he knew the effect he had on me.

"That's so hot." I whispered but when George hissed, my eyes widened and I pulled back the knife that accidentally had turned and cut into his skin.

A line of blood was moving towards the surface and I watched as George brought a hand up, then looked at the blood on his fingers.

"Oh shit." I cursed. "I'm so sorry. I didn't—"

"That one was on me." He chuckled and looked at my eyes again as he sucked the blood off his fingers. "Though I have to admit that turned me on quite a bit."


He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine, kissing me softly and passionately, yet with some eagerness to it.

I let the knife drop to the floor, the sound of metal echoing through the empty corridor. My hand instead ran into his hair, tugging his head back to break the kiss.

Instead I attached my lips to the cut on his neck before licking one stripe up, collecting the blood.

George moaned at the sensation and without looking at his face, I knew he had his eyes closed.

I sucked on the cut long enough for it to stop bleeding, and then I kissed up his neck, over his jaw before finding his lips again. I let go of his hair and instead cupped his jaw, pulling him closer.

We kept making out like that, my back pressed to the wall, him crouched down in front of me with his hands on the fall on either side of my neck. It wasn't until someone cleared their throat, that George pulled away, the both of us looking to the side where Cameron stood.

If that boy doesn't start to leave me alone, I'll turn into the bloody hulk.

I raised an eyebrow at him, keeping my arms wrapped around George. Cameron didn't say anything at first – he simply stared at me with a look I didn't recognise.

"Can I talk to you?"

"No." George said before I could say anything, though I would've said the same thing. "You can't talk to her because all you do is bother her."

"I don't recall asking you." Cameron said and looked at George. "Allie is capable of speaking for herself."

George and I looked at each other and I held back my laugh while George held up his hands in surrender, then went to sit next to me.

Us ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now