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I love this chapter. I can't explain it — it's just... fun.

Not all of it though. There's a part of the chapter that brings so much disgust to my heart. I want to puke over Cameron's behaviour.

Just saying.



At the sound of my name leaving the mouth of my favourite ginger person, I spun around, smiling warmly when I saw my boyfriend walk towards me.

"Hi lover boy." I grinned, folding my arms over my chest. "How are you doing in this fine morning?"

He raised an eyebrow at me as he stood in front of me. He looked down at himself, then looked at me again.

"Nice stunt you did. The post-it notes? The gift wrapper? Nice."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"No?" He asked, slowly backing me up against the wall, placing a hand next to my head. "What did you do with them, Allie? Huh?"

"With what?"

He ran his other arm down my arm before he grabbed my hand and guided it to cup his crotch. I gasped in surprise, my eyes widening slightly. I did not expect him to do that.

"My underwear, love." He said cheekily, removing his hand again as a student turned the corner to walk past us. He pressed a kiss to my nose. "Where'd you put my underwear?"

A small smirk spread on my face as I shrugged.

"You're not wearing any underwear? Back up."

He frowned, trying to understand what I meant by that, but he slowly backed up, eyes staying on me while I kept waving my hand until he was a couple feet away from me.

"Spin around." I said. "Slowly."

He did what I told him to, an even more confused look now resting on his face. When he looked at me again, I simply grinned.

"Your ass looks nice though."

It was Saturday. George was wearing some light blue jeans that sat loose around the legs and a dark green jumper.

He tilted his head at me and laughed softly at my comment before making his way over to me again.

"Angel." He cooed, running a few fingers down my neck until he rested them against my pulse point. His eyes flicked to my eyes and he grinned playfully. "Where did you put my underwear?"

"I haven't seen your underwear." I said, staring up at his eyes. His grin only grew and he tutted at me as he shook his head.

"Your pulse quickened. Means you're lying."

"You calling me a liar, lover boy?"

"Seems like I am, my angel." He said. "What're you gonna do about it?"

I did something much cooler than spread his underwear around the castle. I hung them like decorations from the ceiling in the entrance hall.

"Kiss me." I whispered, staring up at his hazel eyes. "Shut up and— kiss me."

"Yes ma'am." He grinned, cupping my face with one hand while leaning down to connect his lips with mine. My hand found it's way to his jumper, closing my hand around the fabric over his chest.

I kissed him back deeply, opening my mouth to welcome his tongue. My stomach filled with butterflies and the satisfied hum that came from him sent vibrations through my body.

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