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Alex Fitzalan as Grayson Silverberry

Alex Fitzalan as Grayson Silverberry

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Zoe Levin as Carrington Silverberry

Allie's parents face claims will be introduced at the end of the chapter

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Allie's parents face claims will be introduced at the end of the chapter.


"And it's like... how am I supposed to react to that?" I asked as George, Fred and Marco watched me make the bed I was gonna be sleeping on while we stayed here. "It's like a bomb being dropped on us. Our dad has kinda been living his own secret life in America since before he even had kids with my mum and now they're here and how am I supposed to act?"

I turned around with a sigh, looking at the three who had been listening to my rant.

"If it can be any kind of comfort, I think I'm ready to sing for you tonight." George said with a faint smile. "I've been putting it off, but if it can cheer you up..."

"Oh, no don't do it if you don't really want to." I said. "Trust me, I'd love to hear you sing but I don't want you to be uncomfortable in any way."

"How cute." Marco mocked, pouting. "I'm actually going to gag."

Why are they all so tall?

They're standing next to each other, completely filling up the doorway. Marco was in the middle almost as tall as the twins.

"I've had to listen to you talk about how my brother fucks you in the ass all of last year." I said, raising my eyebrows at Marco. "I think you'll manage to listen to a simple conversation between George and I."

"Yeah." Fred agreed. "You're just jealous that they're cuter than your relationship."

At that, Marco gasped and dramatically turned around, leaving the room in a way that had Fred chase after to make sure he didn't upset him.

George and I both chuckled at their behaviour, before he entered and closed the door behind him.

"I'll sing to you tonight." He said. "If... you cut my hair."

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