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Mature content & mention of f-slur

At the top, you can see the outfit, the makeup and the hair that Allie is wearing for the Yule Ball. I thought I would show you so you have a better time visualising it.

I also just wanted to let you know that this chapter contains almost 7963 words which is a new record for me. I didn't even notice. I simply just wrote and wrote and wrote. I hope you enjoy because it took an entire day to write.


"You look really beautiful, Allie." Eleanor said as she was doing my hair while I sat on a chair in the dormitory.

Cho had already left to meet Cedric and Marietta had gone to meet some friends that she's going with. I'm the oldest in my dormitory. We're only three people in here but I'm sixteen while the two others are fifteen.

"Thank you." I breathed, smiling at my sister through the mirror that stood on my dresser. "I just hope George likes it."

Since when am I concerned with what a guy thinks of me?

"You'll be the most beautiful girl there." Eleanor told me. "Also the coolest. I can't believe you're gonna have your knife with you."

I've got the case I got from Marco, hanging on my knickers so I can keep it on me underneath my dress.

"Well you never know when you'll be attacked." I joked as I looked at myself in the mirror. "I really need to figure out this whole makeup thing. I have no idea what I'm doing."

I own makeup, not much but I do own some, though I'm terrible at it and that's why I never wear any.

"Would you look at that." Marco's face filled the room as he entered. I looked at him, smiling when I saw how fancy he looked.

He was wearing a plain black suit with a black bow tie and shoes that were shining. I know for a fact he didn't own them himself.

"Oh this thing?" He grinned, motioning towards his suit. "William bought every single inch of it. I was gonna show up in my pyjamas but he didn't want me ruining the night for him so he bought an outfit and some shoes in my size."

"In Hogsmeade?" I frowned. "I didn't know you could get suits in Hogsmeade."

"No... I think he wrote your mum at the start of December and told her my sizes." He said, walking closer. "But he told me it was his money — though his money comes from your parents."

Marco grabbed the eyeliner that I was twirling between my fingers, and looked at it, studying it for a moment before he glanced towards the rest of the makeup that was spread across the dresser.

"Do you need help with this?" he asked. "I can do something that'll not only make you more beautiful, but also sexier."

When we're not in school, Marco does makeup on himself so through the years, he has practiced a lot on both himself and his mum when she'd let him. He's better at it than I am.

"Yes please." I breathed. "I'm pathetic when it comes to makeup."

Marco smiled and put down the eyeliner before walking over to grab a chair. He placed it in front of me and while Eleanor continued to do my hair, Marco grabbed the eyeshadow and started on my makeup.

"Allie is scared that George won't find her pretty." Eleanor told Marco. "She's pretty isn't she?"

"Beautiful." Marco agreed and I could hear the smile in his voice. "Five is going to swoon. Have you seen the way he looks at you? Even on weekends when you show up at breakfast with messy hair and sweatpants. He looks at you like you're an angel. Maybe that's why he calls you one."

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