One-hundred and one

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I noticed that some of you are worrying that I'll kill off Marco sometime during the war.

I am in no way planning to do that. Marco is kinda my way to get rid of the many thoughts I have.

When he says something completely random or when he says something funny that also makes you wonder for his mentality, it's actually just my thoughts.

It started off that way and now I use him to express my own thoughts.

I won't be killing him off.

I've got something planned but I'm not killing off Marco.


"Who the fuck is that." Marco asked me as we walked towards the Ravenclaw table, our four eyes focused on a lady in very pink clothing sitting by the staff table.

"I have no idea." I answered. We sat down across from each other, both of us keeping our eyes on the lady. "But that's a lot of pink."

The Great Hall was full of chatter. It was honestly nice to be back. I simply ignored the looks people were sending me and the small whispers as I had passed students in the hall.

When the doors opened, everyone went quiet. McGonagall walked in first, walking next to Carrington as McGonagall informed her about something.

Behind them came a big group of first-year students, two of them being my younger cousins.

Jessie, the oldest son of my uncle Raymond Quilt. Jessie is almost twelve, born in December.

Then there's Mason who turned eleven in July.

They also have a younger brother named Jasper but he's only just turned five so he won't be starting Hogwarts until 2001.

McGonagall placed the stool at its usual spot and not soon after, the sorting hat began singing. It sings a new song each year.

I didn't listen this time. My eyes flicked to the Hufflepuff table, seeing the spot where Cedric usually sat. It was left empty, his fellow house mates being considerate not to sit there.

"Oh, know the perils, read the signs,
The warning history shows,
For our Hogwarts is in danger
From external, deadly foes
And we must unite inside her
Or we'll crumble from within
I have told you, I have warned you...
Let the sorting now begin."

The last part of the song caught my attention, and Marco and I looked at each other.

"That got dark real quick." He said. I simply hummed in agreement.

The room broke into applause at the song and I couldn't help but smile when I heard George whistle.

"Silverberry, Carrington!" McGonagall called out my older sisters name first, seeing as she's a transfer student.

Carrington walked up to sit down and McGonagall placed the hat on her head.

I rested my chin in my palm, waiting patiently while the hat spoke about what he saw in her mind.


I gave an impressed look as my sister got up and made her way to the Slytherin table who were cheering for her.

Meanwhile, I heard whispers around us. People were wondering why there suddenly was another Silverberry. No one knew they existed. They only knew of the four Silverberry children.


The list has become longer since last year. Grayson and Carrington showed up.

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