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Before you read, I posted an introduction of Allie on my TikTok account @weasleywickedwingxding

Also, I didn't feel like the one who played Marco actually fit his personality so I've changed the one portraying him to Matthew Daddario instead. Either google it or go back and look at him in the cast chapter.

"Are you gonna eat that?" Marco asked, nodding towards my plate which had bacon and toast on it.

"Is it on my plate?" I asked. Marco's eyes flicked up to meet my eyes and he nodded slowly.


"And do I usually have any leftovers?"


"Then yes, Marcus. I am going to eat it." I told him as I folded one of the bacon pieces and pushed it into my mouth while keeping eye contact with him. "Now, are you gonna tell me who ended up agreeing to sleeping with you and Will?"

Marco sat up straight, sighing as he stretching his arms in front of him.

"Well— something I can tell you is that it was a Slytherin." He told me. "He didn't want anyone to know so Will and I promised to not tell anyone.

"Okay." I shrugged. I looked down at my plate of food, then sighed before picking up a piece of bacon to place on Marco's plate. "There you go. That was me being generous but that's enough for a while, alright? Don't ask me for food again until February."

He rolled his eyes at me and at the same time, a pair of hands were placed on the table on either side of me and I recognised them. I smiled as a kiss was pressed to my cheek, but my smile dropped when the right hand of the person grabbed the last piece of bacon off my plate.

Marco's face said it all. He felt sorry for George, knowing I'd go crazy if anyone took food off of my plate.

"Hello to you, lover boy." I said through gritted teeth as George sat down next to me, eating the bacon he had grabbed from me.

"Something wrong?" He asked when he saw my expression and how I stared at his mouth as he chewed.

"You just took the last piece of bacon from her plate." Marco said. "You're dead."

"No." I forced a smile, shaking my head. "No... no, I'll let this slide."

I patted George's thigh who was watching me with an amused expression.

"You're letting it slide?" Marco questioned. "If that was me, you would be in the middle of cutting my hand off right now."

"That's the benefits of being the boyfriend, mate." George said, grabbing the hand that laid on his thigh. He laced his fingers with mine as he looked at Marco.

"George didn't know any better." I shrugged before I looked at my boyfriend. "Next time— I'll cut off your wanking hand."

"Who says I wank?" George asked, raising his eyebrows at me. I laughed, looked at Marco before I looked at George again.

"You're a guy. You wank." I said. "Just like I'm a girl and I have frapping hand—"

I held up my right hand, wiggling my fingers at him. "... it's this one."

Why am I telling George what hand I masturbate with? I don't know, but I just did and I don't actually care.

"Well..." George breathed. "Thank you for that helpful piece of information, Angel."

"Oh would you look at that." Marco propped his elbow up on the table, his chin resting in his palm as he batted his eyelashes at us. "That's adorable."

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