One-hundred and five

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Carrington looked up at me, a blank expression on her face after I just told her what Warrington and Pucey were like.

She blinked a few times, then inhaled sharply.

"They told me you'd say something like this."

I folded my arms over my chest, watching her for a moment. How was I supposed to respond to that? What did she even mean by it?

I mean, okay? They told her I'd say something like this, but what does that mean?

She don't believe me?

"I'm just trying to look out for you." I said, nervously fidgeting with the rings on my fingers. "Pucey had only ever touched my boob but he touched my thigh earlier and the way they were talking about you... I don't know if they'd be capable of rape."

Carrington chuckled, making me frown.

"I wouldn't say no so it wouldn't exactly be rape." She said. "You have to admit they're hot. Who could possibly say no to them?"

"Uh— I can say no to them." I said, getting defensive. "I've got a boyfriend."

"No, I didn't mean it like—" she stood up. "...I was just saying that if sex was being offered, I'd say yes. They're hot and it's just sex."

I mean...

"Okay." I nodded slowly, feeling a little confused about her reaction. "Y-Yeah... I guess you're right about that."

"But if you don't want me to hang around them anymore, I won't." She smiled at me, rubbing my upper arm before she turned to walk out of the Ravenclaw common room.

The rest of the day, I couldn't stop thinking about the way she looked when I first told her. She had looked almost offended, and then the comment about wanting to have sex with them if they asked, right after I told them one of them had basically assaulted me.

I was overthinking it.

She's my sister.

The next day, I had history of magic during my first lesson and afterwards, I walked towards the great hall with Marco as we had our Apparition course.

"I don't have daddy issues!"

"Yes you fucking do, Allie!" Marco argued. "You can't argue me on this. I already know you do so there's no reason to try and hide it!"

"I'm not— I don't have daddy issues."


"Do you even know what daddy issues are?" I asked. "Because it's constantly needing validation from your partner. It's preferring to date older men and George is actually younger than me by a month. It's constantly involving yourself with narcissistic men who treats you like shit."

Alright, that did happen at one point.

Marco held up a finger but I quickly shit him up.

"I heard myself!" I told him. "But that was a one time thing. That was just Cameron but now I'm over Cameron and I'm with George. It's a healthy relationship and I don't need constant validation from him. I don't have daddy issues."

A smirk spread on my face as I looked at Marco.

"Maybe you're the one with daddy issues." I said. "I mean— William is a year older than you."

"Seven months." He corrected me. "He's seven months older than me, and I don't have daddy issues. You know I don't have any issues with my dad."

"Hmm." I chuckled, then shook my head. "You're right. Will's the one with daddy issues. I mean, he did leave you because he didn't feel like he was good enough for you and because he wanted to change his entire person because he needed our dads approval."

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