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Apparently William had slipped some veritaserum in Cameron's drink at lunch which is how he got him to tell the truth about what happened in the seventh-floor corridor.

Now I know what he was doing at our table. It's rare that Will eats lunch with us at the Ravenclaw table. Mostly he eats with his friends or Marco will join them at the Gryffindor table while Cedric joins me, but today William sat with us and somehow when we weren't looked, he put the potion into Cameron's glass.

Cameron wasn't gonna tell on him. He had been avoiding us since William beat him up while he was tied to a chair. I think he's genuinely scared that I'll cut his throat in his sleep.

Today's Saturday.

I was eating lunch with Marco and Cedric, even William had decided to join us again, thought his time I don't believe he's up to anything. I believe he just want to eat lunch with his boyfriend, one of his sisters and their friend.

Cedric and Marco were going on about what they thought the first task would be and how Cedric was going to win it no matter what.

William was eating in silence. He's not a big talker during meals. He likes to stay quiet and eat and then afterwards, he can talk. I mean, he does answer if anyone asks him something but he always keeps it short if he's got food on his plate.

Marco is the opposite. He's a big talker, especially during meals because he gets really excited about the food. Sometimes he even forgets to close his mouth while chewing because he has something to say, and when Will eats with us, he always sends his boyfriend a disgusting glance while scolding him about talking with his mouth full.

Their relationship is quite odd, yet really funny. Marco is the childish one with most of the ideas and William is the mature one who keeps Marco in check and makes sure he doesn't run too far.

They're like a house-elf and it's owner, Marco being the house-elf and William being his owner.

I guess it's good, actually. I mean, it is good. Marco hadn't been getting into as much trouble since they started dating. William is very keen on keeping him on a tight leash.

Sometimes they bicker like an old married couple but William always has to have the final word and when he walks away, Marco always flip him off which Will always sees.

I swear my brother has eyes in the back of his head. He's done that my entire life. Every time someone flips him off behind his back or make a face, he simply knows and it's the most annoying thing ever.

"Have you ever tried butt plugs?" Marco suddenly asked as he turned to William. My brother immediately stopped chewing and turned to look at him while Cedric and I exchanged a glance.

"Marcus—" Will sighed. "...I'm eating."

"So? That doesn't answer my question." He said. "C'mon, Will. It's really pleasurable. Allie knows what I'm talking about."

I froze and slowly looked up from my plate to see the three guys look at me.

Thanks Marcus.

That was something we shared with each other before our fifth year ended. Marco told me I was way too tense and needed to release some endorphins. He's very open about stuff like this so he literally bought sex toys for me so I could masturbate and be more relaxed.

And yes, I'm not embarrassed to talk about it because masturbation is normal and completely healthy, but mentioning me having tried butt plugs before, in front of my brother...

"I have no idea what he's talking about." I told Will. "Maybe something he dreamt."

"Why would he be dreaming about you with butt plugs?" Cedric asked.

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