One-hundred and fifteen

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That was fast...

Well, I guess you can call this a double-update??


Normally I don't like drama.

I mean, I hate drama when I'm involved even though that happens quite a lot, but watching drama is something else.

That's gold.

And watching Angelina Johnson yell at Potter for getting another detention with Umbridge... that was amazing.

When McGonagall then made her way towards the Gryffindor table, my mouth formed an 'O' and I clamped a hand over it while leaning into George, resting my head against his arm.

"Miss Johnson, how dare you make such a racket in the Great Gall! Five points from Gryffindor!"

Take that, Gryffindor.


My boyfriend's in Gryffindor.

"But Professor — he's gone and landed himself in detention again."

McGonagall turned to Potter.

"What's this, Potter? Detention? From whom?"

"From Professor Umbridge." Potter muttered while I tried to hide the fact that I wanted to laugh at the drama.

George too had a hard time containing his laugh so he was hiding it with food as he ate.

"Are you telling me—" McGonagall lowered her voice so that the curious Ravenclaws from the neighbour table couldn't hear her, though I still could and I was loving it. "...that after the warning I gave you last Monday, you lost your temper in Professor Umbridge's class again?"

"Yes." Potter muttered again.

"Potter, you must get a grip on yourself! You are heading for serious trouble! Another five points from Gryffindor!"


"But — what? Professor, no!" Potter protested. "I'm already being punished by her, why do you have to take points as well?"

"Because detentions do not appear to have any effect on you whatsoever! No, no another word of complaint, Potter! And as for you, Miss Johnson, you will confine your shouting matches to the Quidditch pitch in the future or risk losing the team captaincy."

McGonagall then turned to me and I felt myself grow extremely small under her intense stare.

"Miss Silverberry... what colour is your tie?"

"Uh—" for some reason I looked down at my tie before looking at her again. ""

"Then what are you doing sitting at the Gryffindor table during breakfast?"

Oh shit, I'm caught.

"Well, you see Professor... I was getting quite lonely sitting there by myself seeing as Marco—"

"Ahh, yes." She nodded. "I asked your sister to take you to the hospital wing."

"The what? Wait... which sister? I've got like... three."

"Try having five brothers." George snickered under his breath, causing me to elbow him in the side.

"I'm talking about Carrington." McGonagall told me. "But seeing as she didn't get to you yet, I am telling you to go see Mr Partridge in the hospital wing."



As McGonagall turned and walked up to the staff table, I searched the great hall until my eyes landed on Carrington, sitting at the Slytherin table.

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