One-hundred and twenty-seven

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I know I keep causing heartbreaks with the drama in my stories and I am sorry, but I love drama and I love pain...

I need help (I am actually getting help)

Anyway... I'm so sorry so keep that in mind when you get the urge to kill me.



On Wednesday, November 1st when I approached the Great Hall and saw George, I shrieked as I threw my arms around his neck.

He stumbled backwards but let his arms wrap around my back, hugging me back though he was quite surprised by how I attacked him.

"See, this is why we stopped standing around the entrance hall when you bloody attack people like that." Fred commented but then groaned when I heard what was supposedly Marco smacking him in the back of the head.

After hugging for a moment, George put me down and looked at me, cupping one side of my jaw with a smile playing on his lips.

"What was that all about?"

"Seriously?" I laughed. "We've been dating for eleven months today. Another month and it's been a year."

"Oh... right." He nodded, raising his eyebrows in realisation.

"George..." I said quietly as I got out of his embrace. "...don't tell me you remembered the anniversary of the first time we slept together but forget the day we became a couple..."

"Oh shit." Lee spoke. "We should go before she attacks him."

Though I was already attacking him. George was shrieking while I was pushing him and hitting him in the chest.

I'd never do actual harm to him and he knew that.

He fought back and eventually got a hold of my wrists, managing to spin me around and pin me against his chest.

"I did not forget." He said. "Not our anniversary anyway. I did forget the day it is today but that's it..."

"Oh." I breathed. "Alright. Can you let go of me then?"

He chuckled but let go of me and I immediacy spun around and pushed him in the chest.

"Oi! What was that for?"

I shrugged.

"For fun." I grinned but then stepped forwards and tiptoed to give him a quick kiss. "I'll see you after breakfast."

I turned towards the three boys who were lined up, watching the scene.

"And we'll see you two after breakfast as well." I pointed between Fred and Lee before looking at Marco. "Come... we need to hurry if I'm gonna be able to have any of the pancakes shaped as giraffes."

"They've got pancakes shaped as giraffes?" I heard Fred asked as Marco and I entered the Great Hall, headed for the Ravenclaw table.

We sat in our usual spot, across from each other and I immediately grabbed a pancake and some bacon.

"What are we thinking?" Marco asked while I handed him the chocolate sauce, knowing he always wanted chocolate sauce on his pancakes. "The Gryffindor against Slytherin game is this month... who's winning because I'm thinking Slytherin... they always try to cheat."

"And they almost always fail." I commented. "Gryffindor has George. They'll win."

"Gryffindor also has Fred. Don't forget Fred."

"Babe, I'm trying to praise my boyfriend." I said. "Fred's an amazing beater but don't tell him I said that George is even better."

Marco chuckled.

Us ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now