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"I can't believe you still haven't asked him out." Cedric said, as he joined Marco, William, Timothy and I at the table in the Great Hall as we were eating lunch. "He's right over there. Go ask him out!"

I looked towards the Gryffindor table from over my shoulder. George sat with Fred, Lee, Johnson and Spinnet. The five were talking, laughing like friends do.

"Nope." I breathed as I looked at Cedric. "Not now. I'll do it when he's not surrounded by his friends."

"You're such a pussy." Marco scoffed, reaching over the table to grab a meatball from my plate.

"Wha— no I'm not!" I argued. "I'll do it... once I'm sure he's not seeing this as one big joke."

"You are one big joke." Timothy said, causing my head to snap up and look at him. I frowned at him, feeling offended by his comment because it didn't seem like he was joking.

"Can you shut up?" Marco asked and pushed his brother. "Allie is not a joke. You're a joke. At least that's what mum said when you were born."

"We're twins, idiot." Timothy responded. Marco shrugged.

"Yeah, well I was born first and when she saw you come out, she thought you were the biggest joke on earth."

Timothy frowned at him.

"That was the worst comeback." He said, shaking his head at him before he ate the last meatball of his plate, then got up to leave.

"Why is he always so grumpy?" William asked, raising an eyebrow as he looked in the direction where Timothy had walked.

"He knows I'm better than him." Marco said with a smile. "Bet he cries himself to sleep at night."

I chuckled at his comment before a figure sat down next to me. I turned my head and then smiled when I saw Fred.

"Hi." He grinned cheekily.


"I have a quick question." He said, tapping his fingers on the table. "What's your birthday?"

"My birthday?" I asked. "Why do you want to know my birthday?"

He was giving off some really odd vibes right now. He was definitely up to something and I knew it had something to do with George.

"Oh, it's— nothing." He shrugged. "So c'mon, your birthday."

"It's March fourth." William said. Fred and I both glanced at him before looking at each other again.

"Why thank you." Fred stood up and bowed before he went back to his table. I looked at my brother who raised an eyebrow at me.

"What? He obviously likes you so he wants to know stuff about you."

"N-No, he doesn't—"

"That wasn't George." Marco explained to William. "That was Fred."

"Fred?" Will asked. "Well how am I supposed to know? Fucking clones."

Marco broke into laughter for some reason, causing me to frown. At the same time, he was playfully swatting William's arm.

They were definitely in love. It was hard not to miss.

"I'm full." I announced. "I'll see you two later."

"Where are you going?" Marco asked, looking up at me as I swung my legs over the bench and stood up.

"Seventh-floor corridor." I told him. "I've got some homework to finish before Arithmancy class."

I only got to take a few steps before I heard a whistle fill the Great Hall. I looked around to locate the source and my eyebrows raised in both surprise and curiosity when I saw George get onto the Gryffindor table.

Oh shit.

"Can I have everyone's attention?!" He shouted, the Great Hall going quiet.

What is he doing?

George turned around and his eyes landed on mine before he smiled mischievously.

"Allie Silverberry." He grinned, causing heads to turn in my direction. "It has come to my attention that you don't think I'm serious about you."

How did he hear that conversa— Fred!

Fred must've heard us talk about it and then told George when he got back to his table.

"Mr Weasley." Professor Snape spoke as he stood up to stop George from standing on the table and shout into the room.

"One second Professor." George said. "One second and you can give me as many detentions as you'd like."

I couldn't help the small chuckle that escaped my mouth as he looked at me again with a cheeky grin before raising his head to look at the Great Hall.

"I want everyone in here to listen closely at what I'm going to tell you!" He spoke as he turned around one time for everyone to be able to see him. "I fancy Allie Silverberry and I'm pretty sure that kissing her has become my new favourite hobby."

He looked at me again and tilted his head as he repaid the grin on my face.

"Apart from blowing up stuff, of course." He joked with a laugh, before he got more serious. "But seriously, Allie. Don't think I see this as a joke. I know what I like and I know that I like you."

"Oh my god!" Marco's voice then filled the room and when I looked towards him, he was staring at William who looked like he was about to choke him to death. "Why did you never do something like that for me?!"

"Mr Weasley." Snape said again, earning the attention from everyone. "Though that was very touching, you just lost ten points from your house and a detention with Mr Filch tonight after dinner."

While the other Gryffindor groaned at that, George shrugged and walked down from the table, approaching me with a small smile.

"It's totally worth it." He said. "Because I meant every word I said and I don't want you to think I'm anything but serious."

I smiled shyly as my hands automatically went up to straighten his tie when I noticed it was uneven. George watched my actions and I realised what I was doing. I froze, then looked up at him as I bit into my lip.

"Sorry— it's a habit."

"I don't mind." He chuckled. "Where're you headed right now?"

"Uh— library." I nodded slowly. "Yeah, I'm gonna finish some homework. I forgot to do them and it's for Arithmancy which is in forty minutes or so."

"Okay." George breathed. "Mind if I join?"

My lips spread into a smile and I shook my head. "No, not at all."

He extended his hand, causing my smile to grow as I felt heat rush to my cheeks. I placed my hand in his and as we left the Great Hall, he laced his fingers with mine.

"By the way—" I said when we were out of sight of the Great Hall. "...I like you too."

"I know." He grinned, looking straight ahead as I looked up at him. His grin was different than the friendly one he usually wore. This one contained more happiness, and it warmed my heart that he was happy in my company.

I'm gonna go play Harry Potter OOTP on wii now...

I need to figure out how to move on with the game because I have no more quests, yet it says I'm only 54% done so that's confusing.

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