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It turned out that the things the champions lost, were actual people. Ced had to get Cho from the bottom of the lake, Krum had to get Granger, Delacour had to get her sister and Potter had to get Ron.

Though Delacour couldn't rescue her sister, giving her a score of twenty-five. Krum got a score of forty, Potter a score of forty-five for reaching both Ron and Delacour's sister even though he came out of the water last, and then there was Cedric who got forty-seven points and added together with the points from the last task, Cedric and Harry are tied on the first place.

All the way back to the castle, Marco and William were fighting. It wasn't just bickering. They were full on yelling at each other, both sounding equally upset. Marco had pushed and pushed about why William has been upset earlier and that made my brother mad so now they're yelling at each other while walking in front of me.

They were walking rather quickly too, meaning I'd almost have to run due to their height. They were yelling so loudly that people we passed on our way looked weirdly at them, trying to understand why these really tall boys were screaming at each other in anger, and one of them being a head boy didn't make it any better.

I had never seen them be this upset with each other. My brother kept running his fingers through his black hair to tug at it out of frustration while Marco made hand gestures to show how upset he was.

I didn't really listen to the words that left their mouths. Not until William stopped walking to look at Marco who was forced to then stop as well. He cocked an eyebrow at my brother, questioning why he had stopped.

"Do you ever shut up?" William asked. "I'm genuinely curious because right now your voice is all I'm hearing so could you please... just shut up."

"Will!" I scolded immediately, taking a large step towards the two. He had never talked to Marco in that way. He was protective of him, not wanting anyone to hurt him in any way.

"Mate, what the fuck is your problem?!" Marco raised his voice again. "I don't know if someone hurt you, but don't you dare talk to me like that. I am still your boyfriend and you need to respect me like I respect you!"

"Not for much longer." William simply replied with a scoff following his sentence.

"Not for much longer?" Marco frowned. "What the fuck's that supposed to mean?!"

"Why don't you try and use that big Ravenclaw brain of yours and try and figure it out?!" William snapped at him before he continued to walk. Marco looked at me with a confused and hurt look before he looked back to William, then followed after him.

"Don't you dare!" He yelled. "Don't you fucking dare break up with me, William!"

He placed a hand on my brother's shoulder, causing Will to turn around, and as he did, he swung as Marco, hitting him right in the jaw. Marco stumbled back at the force, landing in the grass. He grasped his face, staring up at William.

In the split of a second, I had run forward, standing between the two with my face towards my brother.

"William!" I yelled, causing him to look at me. "I don't know what's been going on with you lately, but you do not hit your partner. Doesn't matter if it's a girlfriend or a boyfriend. You do not hit the people you love!"

I was conflicted. My brother looked somewhat broken. His eyes showed nothing but pain and he looked like he was about to cry.

"Go back to the castle." I told him. "I told you back then to never hurt Marco and you just did, so get the fuck away!"

I pointed towards the castle, looking at him as I waited for him to turn around and leave. His eyes left my face and he looked out at the crowd of students who had gathered.

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