One-hundred and eight

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George brushed his fingers through my hair repeatedly as we watched the tryouts. Eleanor was trying out for the available chaser position on our team and I was hoping she'd get it.

After our fight, we just cuddled up on my bed in my dormitory and the next time we saw Carrington, we told her straight that her behaviour was wrong and that if she wanted a spot in our group, she'd have t change that.

She got offended and is now friends with Warrington and Pucey.

I don't care.

I was fine before she showed up in my life. I have my two younger sisters who by the way never really liked her and then I have William, though he's not in school anymore.

Marco had told Carrington off after George and I had left the Great Hall.

"I miss Will." Marco breathed, pouting while his eyes stayed on the students flying around on brooms.

So do I Marco.

William and I have always been close and I'm very protective of him, just like he is of me.

I do miss him, but I'm also worried about him. He's suffering from depression and Marco is what helps him, but now that they don't see each other every day, I'm scared it'll get bad again.

"Don't worry." I smiled, nudging his leg with my foot. "I'm sure he misses you too."

"He better." Marco scoffed. "I got a letter from him this morning. He's looking for a flat where we can live as a married couple. He knows me so I'm not scared that he'll find something I'll hate, but I'm fucking excited."

I cuddled closer to George, wrapping my arm around his torso as I smiled, knowing that I too was gonna live with my boyfriend.

I smiled at how happy Marco looked. It warmed my heart that he was so happy with my brother.

"All the sex we'll have." Marco said and let out a dreamy sigh.

And... the moment's gone.

"One day, Marcus, I'm gonna go into detail about my sex life and I'll watch you cringe at the thought."

Marco looked at me, then at George, then at me again.

"That's just disgusting." He said. "That's five we're talking about. I don't want to hear about my innocent boyfriend having sex."

Oh gosh.

While George threw his head back with laughter, I sat up straight and looked at Marco.

"That's disgusting?" I asked. "But hearing you tell me about your sex life with my brother, isn't?"

"Oi!" He exclaimed, snapping his fingers before pointing at me. I raised my voice and mocked the expression on his face. "Don't make me withdraw the best woman invite."

I gasped.

"Marcus Pablo Partridge!" I exclaimed. "If you do that, I'll capitate you and you'll never make it to your own wedding."

Slowly, he scooted away from me and threw an arm around Lee who frowned and tried pushing him off of him.

I chuckled and looked out at the match before my eyes landed on Carrington on the other side, sitting between Warrington and Pucey while she was staring directly at George and I, looking like a maniac.

The look in her eyes was completely crazy.

I flashed her a smile before tilting my head back, running my hand to the back of George's neck so he got the hint.

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